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Arachnia - The Spider And Ideas For New Map Types


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Spinneret - Renders enemy imobile and sticks them to a surface causin x amount of damage


Webbing - A web attaches itself to the enemy and sprouts from his location imobilizing and covering an area in webs. Enemies who attempt to walk through it will also get caught and will be slowly consumed in the webs for x amount of damage. The webbing acts like a wall covering and obscuring just your and your teams line of sight not mobility. can be passed through.


Latch - In a spiderman type action she will shoot a web at any location and it will pull her to that location and it will hold her there for 5 seconds at first rank. If you latch to an enemy it will pull them to her. The web is left after wards and if close enough your team can use it to acces other areas like a zipline.


Eight Palms - On her back are 8 reletivly small spider-like legs. Eight Palms allow her to expand these arms and in rapid succesion stab and push back enemies within an 8 meter radius at first rank. Deals emense dmg over time.


Gender: Female

Health: 100

Sheild: 100

Armor: 80

Power: 50


(Currently working on a quick sketch of her appearance)







Now to begin this topic:We all who play Warframe are familiar with the Grineer galleon maps, Corpus outpost, Corpus ship, and the void. Now to make this game even more Ninja-like i had an idea that there should be a vast water one and the tenno can run across the surface or swim. On these water maps would be ships and or just islands.


And there should be maps that actually express the planet they are located on. Like murcury and venus should have volcanic or dessert surfaces with heat waves and all those effects. Where as jupiter there should be floating fortresses because jupiter ( and Saturn ) are gas planets. On Neptune and Uranus the water map i described earlier could be located  since they are gas and water based.


Another map idea i had was a space station exept outside and there is low gravity and meteors.

And for the water and volcanic maps add natual events that could happen like a wave that could hit a tenno and trip them up unless they jump over it. And add maps that are more sniper friendly. You know like when you hide on the roof of a building and when you snipe the enemy would be in confussion.


Last thing i want to add is a mod called silence for rifles that makes it act like a stealth weapon just make it rare and allow it to only work while stealthed but it decreases damage output of weapon




These are all just ideas i seriously would like to see implemented some way into the game. If not then its just whatever still a fresh game. =)











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Not a bad Idea for the majority of frame powers, although I must say that the latter half of latch is very akin to Mag's "Pull" ability. I'm not sure how an entirely water map would work, but the other locals have some merit. The Silence mod might work, but it would have to be balanced very carefully so as not to be game breaking. Nice ideas.

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Not a bad Idea for the majority of frame powers, although I must say that the latter half of latch is very akin to Mag's "Pull" ability. I'm not sure how an entirely water map would work, but the other locals have some merit. The Silence mod might work, but it would have to be balanced very carefully so as not to be game breaking. Nice ideas.

The entire map is not water I meant as like a shipwreck place or a crashed ship in a lake so there would be large areas of the ship underwater. But i know what you mean.

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