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Possible Kinetic Warframe Idea?


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For those unaware, Kinetic Energy is the energy utilised during movement of anything, as a result of force. This Warframe (whose name is yet to be decided, would love some suggestions - based on how his powers turned out, probably something beginning with P...) would be a specialist in movement and working with this force. I've tried very hard not to just go with the obvious powers and ensure he can fulfill a role on the team and deal out some damage of his own, as most Warframes should, and have been thinking about him for awhile.


Base Stats (balanced around Ash currently):

Health: 100

Shields: 100

Armor: 40

Energy: 150



Push (25 energy cost): Essentially lying somewhere in between Banshee's Sonic Boom and Mag's new Pull, this power sends enemies flying in a 90 degree cone. Base damage would be 15/15/30/50, but damage would increase if an enemy collides with anything, including each other. Useful for clearing spaces or cryo-pods of enemies, and as a cheap "quick damage" power in crowded locations.


Perpetual Motion (50 energy cost): A team buff ability, this power speeds up the internal weapon motions. Increases (probably doubles/halves) fire-rate and reload speed for all players on the team for 8/8/14/20 seconds, depending upon rank. Mainly useful when the T3 heavy gunners appear or for boss runs, when the s**t hits the fan on the cryopod, or to really thin out an approaching Infested wave in a hail of glorious bullets.


Pressure (50 energy cost): An AoE slow, Pressure drains the energy out of all enemies in the radius, slowing them almost to a crawl. This would be a large-scale drain, akin to Sonar, that would halve (probably -40/40/50/60%) enemy movement speed in a large area (20/20/25/30m), similar to frost damage in the current game. Obvious applications for revives, countering a sudden wave of enemies and to help your team react to situations or escape. Would be particularly fun to pair with Perpetual Motion and Volt Speed, to allow your team to tear through the slowed enemies at an ungodly rate!


Pulverise (so... many.. P-words...): Costing 100-energy, Pulverise would explosively hurl all enemies away in a large radius, shattering bone. Deals 1000 damage across all ranks in a 8/8/10/12m radius, hurls enemies away from you (yes, for those wondering, this would look awesome and completely over-the-top) and stuns enemies who survive it for 3/3/4/5 seconds. Relatively standard damage ultimate with an added stun effect, to maintain utility at high levels of play.



I'm not much of an artist, so I have no picture for you. However, I imagine his helmet to utilise a "dreadlock" effect, similar to Predator, which would be steel fibers with large metal balls on the end, simulating a Newton's Cradle to fit with the theme. I imagine him as a relatively bulky warframe, akin to Vauban, but with a much smoother and more streamlined design to fit with his theme of motion.

Hope you guys like this, I put a lot of thought into it and focused on the ideas and balance we currently have in-game. All suggestions are entirely welcome and, if any enterprising artist felt like doing justice to my very rough concept, have at it!

Edited by MangoMonkey
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