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Weapon Concept- Raven Smg


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Oh wow. Never thought I'd see a subforum for fan concepts now. Looks like the fanfic writers in fanzone might be thankful for this as well. Whoever pulled through and made this happen, you're awesome.


Anyway, reposting up an idea I had.



Would love to see more primaries in Warframe and SMGs happen to be my favorite weapon type in any shooter, so I figured that I may as well give it a shot.

Name: Raven

Appearance: No clue. I'm rather interested to see on DE's take of a FN P90 though, then the Tenno got their hands on it. If it looks compact and futuristic, I'd be fine with it.

Flavor Text: A Tenno creation, the Raven's unique armor piercing bullets, high fire rate and easily reloaded design make it suited well to close quarters situations.
-Innate Armor Pierce, hitscan like Braton, Lato, etc.
-'Tactical' or dash Polarity slot, maybe?
-Slight vertical recoil upon sustained firing. Around the 4th shot it'd start to show up. The recoil should be rather subtle though, unlike the Burston/Sicarus's rather harsh kick upwards upon every trigger pull
-Mastery Rank 2 weapon

The stats: I haven't calculated anything at all outside of RoF, which I figured going between the Braton and Grakata's rate of fire would work. I then just simply plugged in numbers that would look right and I sort of based it off of a slightly better Viper/Furis and went from there if they were used as primaries. Because Warframe doesn't have weight encumbrance like typical shooters, I figured the best way I could've shown that it's an SMG is that it was fast reloading compared to other primary weapons, or at the very least be supportive of a mobile, always moving around playstyle.

Base Damage:         15.0 (should it be 16.0 though?)
Base Firing Rate:     15.6
Accuracy:               17.2
Base Clip Size:          50
Base Ammo Size:       540
Base Reload Speed:  1.68 seconds
Base Critical Chance:   5%  
Base Critical Damage:  150%


Now, the possible questions...


What it brings to the table against the Grakata? You know, the SMG styled weapon that we already have?
-Not crit reliant. So you're not stuck to putting on Point Strike and Vital Sense as practically mandatory mods.

"Just use a Boltor!"
-Hitscan innate AP bullets versus armor ignore bolts. I think that its huge ease of use over range is a major plus, but the Boltor has better damage per shot and it wouldn't burn through its ammo supply like the Raven would.

What sets it apart from the Braton?
-Faster reload, innate AP, really. I could understand that it's rather similar overall in in the basic idea of "oh it spits out a lot of bullets", but there's no automatic hitscan weapon in game right now that also has armor piercing basically built in, may as well try to fill that slot in.

Why Raven?

...Because I'm uncreative and terrible with names. I'm sorry.


Would like to have opinions from others, they'd be appreciated.

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