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New Keybind System For The Abilities Pls!


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Now we have pre-definied button for the exact abilities.

EG: 1  the lovest (25) energy skill

       2: the 50 energy skill ...


And it is independent, which signed slot i use for the skill.

but when we dont use all the skills with all our frames (and sometimes Re-Forma some of them), it is a bit annoying, when change frame, and the usable skills on another buttons. Now it is totally irrelevant the position of a skill-mod.


Why dont u use the same system, like sentinel priority... 

What i want:

top left: button 1

top right: button 2

bottom left: button 3 

bottom right: button 4


With this system we have chance to put the most used skill to the most used (easily to reach) button, which sometimes redefined from the factory default. (for example i use the q and e for the 2 best skills with all frame -and CTRL and ALT for the 2 rest-, but i have to set up all the times my key-binding, when i change frame.)

If u use the slot-assigned binding, we have chance to put the used skills to the best position, and donhave always change options, when changing frame.


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