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Hover Boards!


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What about if the Warframes use hover boards for a vehicle? And they could use it in both melee, and riding from one place to another in the dojo and in missions.


Hover boards that uses Orokin Technology, only obtainable in the market of a 2,000,000 credits so that any player can obtain the hover board.


This hover boards can only float only 2 meters off the ground, nothing higher, but you can do stunts with the hover board both for killing enemies, and showing off your cool side.

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"Vehicle" What? This is initially a game combining shootouts and stealth mechanics, with an inpact on indoor environments and spaceships. Adding hoverboards (skateboards/rockets/surfing boards as skin options), random customizations (kinky hats, funy moustaches, pinky panties etc.) will turn this into a regular asian MMORPG, where graphics pukes out with anime...

Edited by Vangate
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What about if the Warframes use hover boards for a vehicle? And they could use it in both melee, and riding from one place to another in the dojo and in missions.


Hover boards that uses Orokin Technology, only obtainable in the market of a 2,000,000 credits so that any player can obtain the hover board.


This hover boards can only float only 2 meters off the ground, nothing higher, but you can do stunts with the hover board both for killing enemies, and showing off your cool side.

Unreal Tournament 2007 all over again. Please. No vehicles. Ninjas usually don't use vehicles. 

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