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Warframe Concept: Erda


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Erda manipulates gravity, quaking the enemy troops with fear. At the same time as having a fun, enjoyable, Amusing ability set, Erda's abilities make her a great support and heavy damage Warframe. Starting with a 150 base energy and all of her abilities already unlocked, abilities are key to this Warframe. When fully ranked Erda has a very large amount of energy. Erda will also have a unique sense as a scout character, gaining bonus base melee damage and sprint speed being faster than normal as well as having massive amounts of stamina. One let down, is she is only good with secondary ranged weapons, primary weapons do less damage for her than normal characters Also, get ready for some really S#&$ty ability names. Her ability set will be:



1: Float: requiring 75 energy, Erda levitates into the air and exploiting gravity, focuses it under herself to make a G0 sphere around herself that lasts for 5 seconds. Flight has a limited height. The reason this costs so much is because of how affective of a mobility ability it is. You move 2.5x the normal sprint speed.


2: Sphere of Gravity: costing 100 energy, Erda creates a sphere of gravity in a selected spot to shield her and her friends. It makes gravity in one spot so intense, enemies that try to run through are staggered and render bullets useless. 


3: Gravity Overcharge: Costing 125 energy, Erda crushes all nearby enemies for a high amount of damage also cuasing a temporary stun. 


4: Singularity: Singularity requires 150 energy. It creates a small black hole that suck all enemies in the vicinity towards it then shoot all of them away, wrecking massive havoc when fighting large groups.


If this is added to the game at some point somehow, a good mod for Erda's weapons should always involve ice. You will be able repetitively stun uninterrupted by the enemies you are effecting.

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