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What To Do, What To Do.



I have 3 Warframes.

Frost Prime




I have 3 Warframes ready to claim in the foundry:





I can't claim them because I don't have enough slots.


- I have 3 full sets of FP parts but he is potatoed

- No sets of the other two

- I want to claim one

- Vauban is Polarized

- Ash has been my favorite aside from Vauban since I started



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13 answers to this question

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help comes to those who help themselves.

also, how? decide for you? pick one. or pony up the cash to guy a slot. and if thats not an option save up the mats to rebuild the one you are going to trash. that way its built and ready for you if you want to switch back to it.

Edited by MetalGerbil
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help comes to those who help themselves.

also, how? decide for you? pick one. or pony up the cash to guy a slot. and if thats not an option save up the mats to rebuild the one you are going to trash. that way its built and ready for you if you want to switch back to it.

He can rebuild Frost Prime but he will loose his potato, Vauban has his Formas, and Ash is his favorite.

So probably you should farm Ash again and sell him. You should get some plat cuz there are more warframes comming in the future.

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Get platinum. less than 10 dollars will get you 3 or 5 slots 

Do this ^ , warframe was the best investment I have ever made. Trust me, its worth it


Edit: just did some math, 10 USD will give you 170 plat, which gives you 8 slots with 10 plat left over.

I do not know where you live but 10 USD is very cheap.

Edited by Shadowray
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What To Do, What To Do - First-World-Problem Edition.


I have mastered all the Warframes except for Vauban, and with two parts already present spending Plat feels like a waste.

I have enough slots for every single item I would ever want to keep.

I have mastered all but the clan weapons, waiting for Update 9 till I do those as well.

I have all the alternate helmets except, once again, for the Vauban one.



I really wish I could gift people things, it's a good way to share the wealth, I feel. I'd even get you some slots, free of charge.

Edited by BeerDone
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You sure you lose the potatoe? I mean, i know that if you sell a rank 30 weapon and craft it back/buy it back it will still be rank 30. Dunno if it keeps the potatoe. And dunno about if it works on frame.



Delete Ash, you can farm it easily so it's the best option.

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You sure you lose the potatoe? I mean, i know that if you sell a rank 30 weapon and craft it back/buy it back it will still be rank 30. Dunno if it keeps the potatoe. And dunno about if it works on frame.



Delete Ash, you can farm it easily so it's the best option.

No. Sell an item already at maxed rank and buy it back it will still be Unranked, the only thing different is it not give you Mastery Point anymore. Also Formas and potatoes gone with the items when you sell them.
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I'd say wait, sit on those frames they can presumably stay in your foundry indefinitely.

Get yourself say, 20 bucks worth of platinum or the Disciple founder's pack.

I got the disciple pack and spent it on about three pages of weapon slots (16) and 8 warframe slots.
I had enough left over for two color packs.
I have around 30 platinum to spare!

$20.00 Is not hard to get your hands on. You can make that kind of money by cutting back on fast food, eating a cheap lunch, packing your own lunch. Little things like that, in as little as a week, can add up to 20$

If the digital transaction part is the part you're having problems with, I'd suggest going to a retail store and loading up one of those pre-paid visa cards. I'd also suggest Ultimate Gaming cards, but reportedly, it has issues with the steam client. Can't confirm that myself though, however, pre-paid works.

Edited by Rudest
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Volt is too situational currently

Speed affects all allies. Making a Rhino faster then Loki is great ANY time.


Electric Shield adds 50%+ damage and makes bullets ignore armor.


Overload was buffed, and Shock chains to other enemies for a mass stun for only 25 energy.

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I have 3 Warframes.

Frost Prime




I have 3 Warframes ready to claim in the foundry:





I can't claim them because I don't have enough slots.


- I have 3 full sets of FP parts but he is potatoed

- No sets of the other two

- I want to claim one

- Vauban is Polarized

- Ash has been my favorite aside from Vauban since I started



Do not pay real money for slots. Do not sell your loved Warframes. Sadly noone told you about the newest thread by Rebecca. In an update, if you are high mastery rank, you will get SLOTS. Search the post by Rebecca she made it just a few hours ago.

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