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New Market Item Idea To "burn" Credits To


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Hey guys,


I've thought of a new market item that I hope to have implemented to "burn" your credits. Hahahah

Also, I don't know if someone already had this idea and stuff so, yeah, I'm still posting. I thought of this due to the fireworks item.


This is for those lazy guys who have a s^$@* load of credits and don't want to go farm for fusion cores anymore. XD


Here it is:
Fusion Core mod pack


Cost: 10,000 or 20,000 cr


Description: A Fusion Core mod pack that contains five(5) random Fusion Core mods.



Rare 5              1.5%

Uncommon 5    8.5%

Common 3        10%

Common 1        70%



Also, Platinum version


Cost: 25 - 50 platinum(I'll let the DEs decide on the cost but hopefully at this range)


Description: A Fusion Core mod pack that contains five(5) random Fusion Core mods with one(1) guaranteed Rare Fusion Core Module.



Rare 5              1.5%

Uncommon 5    8.5%

Common 3        10%

Common 1        70%



What do you guys think?

I'm pretty sure that the Rare 5 is already low enough. Also on another note IF it does get implemented(yay!), try not to burn too much of your credits or you might not have enough to Fuse all your mods. If you have a ton of Common 1's that's going to be a whole lot expensive. So, I think I got it balanced.

Edited by michaelgt
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The chances of the 3 and 1 should be flipped... Common 1's are basically useless.


That's partly why it's kind of balanced.. Well, if it's alittle off balanced to the "worthless" side, maybe I should increase the Common 3 to 30% and bring down the Common 1 to 50%. How about that?

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