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Three Clan Dojo Weapons For Each Lab


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these ideas are literally first ideas i got from thinking of interesting ways to kill people


first suggestion:-corpus energy lab


stomra(guess it fits the corpus tradition of "a" at the end of everything)


- type= disintegration ray!

-dmg= 40/s

-rate = 

-ammo=feeds from reserves, no clips or reloading

-accuracy= n/a

-feeds of rifle ammo pool/rifle mods


What makes it special:

-per every second you fire on a target, increase the targets vulnerability to dmg by 15%, wears of 4 seconds after ceasing fire-

-requires a 1 second windup

-ignores armor

-chains to up to 3 other targets + the original,

-short range, locks onto any target within 7 meters


designed to be a group support, whilst also dealing out a decent amount of damage itself.


SECOND SUGGESTION:-grineer chem lab


BORKRON(first thing coming to mind)


-type=harpoon mine!


-rate-same as as vulkar

-ammo=3 rounds

-accuracy=perfect pinpoint

-ammo pool/mods= sniper


what makes it special:

-you fire a round of this out at and enemy, you fire one at the feet of an oncoming hoard and one at a rhino  smashing those guys up, you reload and everything goes kaboom!and you see 1000s flying off corpses

 -to reiterate when reloading all harpoons stuck on the enemies surfaces and allies will explode dealing 800 damage each, 

-charge up for varying harpoon velocities

-painful reload speed

-short range scope


this one is made for the sniper-demo-man may need ways on how to reduce its "handling characteristics"




my personal favorite


haven't decided on a name yet


type-mobile chakram launcher

dmg-75 armor ignoring dmg+25 poison dmg for 5 ticks over 5 seconds

rate- 3 every 2 seconds

ammo-nine rounds per clip


ammo pool/mods=shotgun




-fires a projectile that resembles a razor sharp Frisbee made of glass and glowing green 

-CHARGE UP FOR ONE second to fire two in a horizontal line,charge for two seconds to fire 3

-fires through multiple enemies in a straight line

-does NOT bounce or ricochet


P.S on this one i believe it should also do 3X dmg on infested as it fires a blade, but some part of me feels this would be unfair on infested, what do you think?


so those are my ideas, let me know if there is anything you like,would like to suggest, or think needs to be tweaked

Edited by AdmiralAvalanche
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After reading this, I decided to stop. You seem to not be serious about your suggestions. :(

well if that is a problem to garner reaction just for you, the noble reader, i've modified the scripting of the thread

besides, at the end of the day war frame is just about casual entertainment, so i don't think we should all be stern and such about the matter and not even look at ones suggestions if they so much as place an emoticon in the mix

Edited by AdmiralAvalanche
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