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Space Shark Incorporated [4+ Years Old-Running Strong] [All Regions] [Casual] [All Research] [Discord]


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IGN: Simcoe

If you free up a spot toss me an invite pls :)



IGN: EguanaSwag



IGN: TheGeekCritic 






IGN: Naxelito :)



Hullo, beasts! Had to forsake Warframe for a couple of months, and would really like to reunite with the flock, if and when there would be a spot.

IGN: FusedSpaceman 



IGN: Blklist



IGN Bobsteche. Invite me pls.



I was a member previously but was removed after the 30 day period of being logged off as I was on an expedition and could not gain access to the internet, let alone a computer.


IGN: maximombro



Hey, I just would like to get reinvited. Had been offline for a longer time due to moving to a new city.

IGN: .ParANormaL







IGN: BoomKilling



IGN Chriscolin100 



Hi, I'm active again and would like to rejoin if you are able to accept more sharks.  IGN is The1andOnlyJoe



Hi!, i was away for a while but now i can play again. can i get a invitation?


IGN jcdaza



IGN: keepmeout



I wana join in in the clan my friends inochi and pieh are there they talk really good about you guys if you have some spot let me in ^^ NoctisDRM



Love to join!

IGN: AllosaurusJr



All of you were sent an invite. 24 hours from now on, all remaining pending invites will be canceled.


Those who accept, welcome :)

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IGN: Wizdler


I like Warframe and Space Sharks!



Hello, I have recently gone back to playing warframe and was looking for a good friendly clan to join.

IGN: OriginalChicotm



Sup, I'm back! Ign~ RustyBoots. I was with the clan about a year back or so, but left cause my brother wanted help with a clan he wanted to make. Well, that didn't go so well, and I figured why not go back to a the first clan that I actually liked? I am in the middle of a lot of stuff, so there are times that I may go inactive for a while, but I'll be sure to try and keep your heads up about it. I'm willing to help new-er players or other clan members here and there if the need comes up when I'm around, but my brothers and I usually keep busy (Meaning we wont mind taking clan members with us either on things like prime farms, exp runs, etc.), however I also am not fully gear'd cause I'm either very unlucky, or just right out must suck at the game, but hell. That said, I'm limited to what I can do. Even with a Boltor Prime, a half ranked Serration wont take you far -_-. Anyhow, sorry for the rant. Invite me when ya can, eh?



Invites sent, same thing applies as my previous post.



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Hello im im a veteran player since beta of this game and left arounf U8 now im returning again :) btw i was in this clan at that time with different account but i forgot my pass on my old one lolz anyway im happy to see this clan after all this time :)


IGN : Vorg2345


i also have a friend with who wants to come with me


IGN : JHitman26

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