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Space Shark Incorporated [4+ Years Old-Running Strong] [All Regions] [Casual] [All Research] [Discord]


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21 hours ago, Razenx said:

Can i join? IGN Razenx


15 hours ago, Genshuu said:

Just came back from a break, you guys look like a fun group. IGN is Genshuu as well


14 hours ago, AndySixxBVB14 said:

IGN: AndySixxBVB14


13 hours ago, Dextroman said:

Hi, 60 hours into this game and i kinda like it,

can I join the clan ?

IGN: Dextroman


12 hours ago, ShadeNoah said:

Hey there :D just came back after I barelly played on the beta \o/ IGN: ShadeNoah


8 hours ago, offoff said:

IGN: offoff


4 hours ago, sheenyy said:

IGN: sheenyy


2 hours ago, Helsiege said:

IGN: Helsiege

All invites sent. Welcome to the clan :D

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*Recommended to leave your name on this thread and be invited upon our earliest convenience.*

For future reference on those who want to try an immediate invite, can message in-game the following people if they are online:

  1. LightningElektron
  2. SSI_Guko
  3. tlk742
  4. DandySwan
  5. Dikkimies
  6. SSI_DarthReaper4500
  7. SSI_MoonMoon
  8. CakeWorm
  9. Csirkekrem_Leves
  10. Huntragon
  11. LuxLo
  12. Namastyler
  13. Neorlin
  14. SSI_Amaterasu
  15. SSI_Deadpool
  16. SSI_LordOfErebus
  17. SSI_Protocol
  18. SSI_Windshark
  19. Suit_Dude
  20. TheMCSkittlez
  21. VeronikaStripper
  22. Warriorrogue
  23. Zicos

*I'll continue to update and repost this on new pages of this thread

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4 hours ago, apo86 said:

I'd like to join if there is still room for one more :)

IGN: apo86


4 hours ago, Desaun said:

Hey all,

New active player here looking for a helpful clan.


IGN: Desaun


Warframes : Rhino,Loki, and crafting valkyr..


5 hours ago, PHPEduardo said:

IGN: PHPEduardo

MR: 6

Preferred warframes: Valkyr, Nyx

Invites have been sent. Welcome to the clan.

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22 hours ago, Smokeythecat said:

May I become a Space Shark? Please?

IGN: Smokeythecat


18 hours ago, Spookbug said:

Heya, would love to join clan!

IGN: Spookbug


Please and thanks. :)


11 hours ago, Satanic_Fighter said:

IGN : Satanic_Fighter


2 hours ago, Rizlok said:

IGN: Rizlok

Invites have been sent . Welcome to the clan .

I'm sorry for the delayed invite I dont know why none of the other officers have sent the invite I may need to whip them in shape :D

13 hours ago, TheRiceKing said:

IGN: TheRiceKing



7 hours ago, MasterSiomai said:

IGN: MasterSiomai

you are already in a clan if you still want to join us you will need to leave the current clans 

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21 hours ago, Darklone said:

I'd like to join

IGN: Darklone


17 hours ago, noparking95 said:


I would like to join please!

IGN: noparking95


13 hours ago, slipstool said:

Yo, can I join the clan! IGN: slipstool


13 hours ago, MasterSiomai said:

IGN: TheRiceKing 

Just left the clan. 


13 hours ago, TheRiceKing said:

IGN: MasterSiomai

Sorry I didn't know. haha my bad


12 hours ago, Libery300 said:

IGN: Libery300


5 hours ago, FireFistAce-F.F.A said:


A little late but I shall inform you all that Invites have been sent . Welcome to the shark clan

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12 hours ago, AbsalonGod said:

Hello. I'm a very active player and friendly too. I plan to play the whole summer. Can you let me join your clan? IGN: AbsalonGod

Hello , you are already in a clan , if you want to join us , you will need to leave your current clan .

9 hours ago, Vexitar said:

'ello, I'm up for joining this. IGN: Vexitar

Invite has been sent . Welcome to the clan.

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