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Space Shark Incorporated [4+ Years Old-Running Strong] [All Regions] [Casual] [All Research] [Discord]


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51 minutes ago, IamPEGASUS said:

want to join 



1 hour ago, skblwyn45 said:

Hey could I join?



9 hours ago, ravenquila said:

Hi there, i wanted to join your clan

IGN : ravenquila


12 hours ago, Hanumman said:

Fresh new blood, If there is still some room left...


IGN: Hanumman




13 hours ago, CFxGlacies said:

IGN: CFxGlacies

Hopefully there's still room left and I can join.


14 hours ago, fizzP said:

hey, i'd like to join your clan.

my IGN is : FizzP


15 hours ago, yperkel said:

Hey, I'd like to join, cheers.  

IGN: yperkel


15 hours ago, jinzey said:

Want to join

IGN: jinzey


15 hours ago, StaticTS said:

Hello, i am just rank 6, name StaticTS. I just read your information and i have to say i like it. Can i join your clan? There is lots of things i want to know and squat members began to  be tired of questions =D Also, as you certanly noticed, english is my second language  so sorry =)


17 hours ago, evilsam said:

Aye IGN: Evilsam


19 hours ago, Crazy-Ghazi said:

i want to join your clan 

IGN : Crazy-Ghazi


On 7/2/2016 at 0:16 AM, purefonist said:

IGN purefonist :D

hope can join

Invites sent . Welcome to the hark clan.

On 7/1/2016 at 10:00 PM, IamTheJudge said:


I'll Join.


13 hours ago, ElTouristo said:

Interested in joining

IGN: ElTouristo



12 hours ago, heello306 said:

IGN: heello306

Returning player looking for everything I have missed. =]


6 hours ago, RickAlv101 said:

IGN: RickAlv101

you all are already in a clan , if you still want to join us you must first leave your current clan and request another invite

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