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Space Shark Incorporated [4+ Years Old-Running Strong] [All Regions] [Casual] [All Research] [Discord]


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IGN: crayzee09


I was a member of SSI, but then i had to take a break because of exams. I was inactive for more than 30 days so i got kicked out (my guess). I had no strikes as far as i know, i'm still a newbie and this clan really helped me out.

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15 hours ago, albata1 said:

My IGN: albata1 

invite me againe i leave it !



15 hours ago, Kelorius said:

My IGN: Kelorius 

I want to join i like Warframe and i need a good clan !


15 hours ago, W3ndigoo said:

Can I join?

Username : W3ndigoo



14 hours ago, GateK said:

Mind if i join?

IGN: Gatek


5 hours ago, antimatter said:

IGN: antimatter


4 hours ago, Ghaost said:

IGN: Ghaost


3 hours ago, Gossipboy66 said:

Hi, I would like to join Space Shark Incorporated !

IGN Gossipboy66


3 hours ago, crayzee09 said:

IGN: crayzee09


I was a member of SSI, but then i had to take a break because of exams. I was inactive for more than 30 days so i got kicked out (my guess). I had no strikes as far as i know, i'm still a newbie and this clan really helped me out.

Invites sent . Welcome to the shark clan 

P.S. crayzee09 we recently had a major clean up in our clan and we removed quite of lot of people that have not played the game for a long time 2 open up space for people that wanted to join us.

5 hours ago, Ricka94 said:

I'd like to join, already have a friend in this clan who invited me and triggered me into playing this game half a year ago.

IGN: Ricka94

you are already part of a clan , if you want to join us you must first leave your current clan and request another invite.

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Hi there.  You guys seem like fun.  :)

I'm here on behalf of myself and a small group of friends who have been gaming together and are looking for a clan that will take us all in.  Most of us joined during the founders period, but haven't played in a couple years; Spectres of the Rail got us back into things.

My IGN is MaxAstro.  My friends are Draconicblossom, Castagnier_Mk.II, and Colin1739.  We would love to join your sharkpool, but as I said we are looking to join as a group; please don't send invites unless you are willing to take us all in.  :)

The others are a bit forum-shy, but I can probably convince them to post here if you need them to.

Edited by MaxAstro
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