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[Warframe Suggestion] Woodframe


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So this warfame would look similar to a tree as you could imagine with tree skin leafs and maybe a nice big and shiny green crystal in his chest or cracks in the frame that let out green light.


He would be a more tanky and slower caracter with more life than shield to match his theme.


As for the abilities this is what i thought:



He grows a big leaf cape and silently glides though the sky for a period of time.


Death seeds:

You throw a seed wich will sprout branches that drag and murder the enemies in a small AOE. NOT CONTINUOUS just one time per use.


Life seed:

Thrown seed wich attaches itself to the target and grants the target life regen and armor increse for a short period of time alowing to survive tuff situations. Can be thrown on the ground and whoever walks on it  gets the  seed attached to himself.


Both seeds can be used in conjunction with glide to provide support from above to your team.


Seventh seed of a seventh seed:

This seed is the most powerfull in his arsenal, its very dangerous and it must be planted carefully. It sprouts a demon carnivorous plant wich cuts in half eats and crushes everthing in her path. It's a TreeGuardian with a very angry spirit especially against the greener. You can recover his cristal to despawn him or after he despawned and recover hp for the whole team.


PS. the name it's just to make you understand what is this topic all about. So feel free to sugest names.


What do you think?


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While we are at it, why not add a door frame, or even better a window frame, could have a gust of wind ability that blows all enemies away from the group. Dear god whatever next.

why did you comment if you're just going to be a jerk?

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