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Sniper/marksman Warframe


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Kinda noticed a lack of long range combat early on and that it would be nice to have a sniper-type warframe. I have a few ability ideas, not sure if they're that great though.


1. Hive: throws a grenade that releases microscopic robots that disassemble enemies on a subatomic level.

2. Recon: throws a grenade that releases a nanites that mark their hosts on radar and on the HUD (allies can see marked enemies through objects via HUD)

3. Mine field: Throws a grenade that detonates into multiple smaller radially triggered grenades.

4. Shatter point: for a short time, every shot to the torso area will deal 500% damage, headshots deal 700% damage.


Not sure if its a bit OP or what it is, it was just something i had thought would be nice to have.


Give any thoughts if you want to.

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