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R3Leaz's Tutorial Mission Feedback


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..... Currently there are a bunch of missing collision models, rushed tutorial content, Vor appearing out of nowhere instantly shooting his laser and a lot of stuff that doesn't feel polished at all.

First things first. When we wake up our Warframe systems should not be fully booted yet (just the core systems but nothing else, hud won't be visible, powers inactive, weaker Warframe thus melee wouldn't do much against enemies) This will be part of further things I'd like to implement.

[What I mean with rushed content is:]

Lotus starts to talk to us the instant we stand up. There is not even a short time period where she tries to uplink to our Warframe systems it is just like INSTANTLY this seems very unpolished and very strange especially since our Warframe just booted up a few seconds ago after a cryo sleep that lasted ages. The tutorial also seems very rushed the way it currently is implemented. Sure Vor is coming that's why we do NOT need to know ALL OF THAT stuff we currently get to learn. The only thing we currently need to know is how to use a gun and to get out after learning that. She will also maybe tell that your Warframe isn't fully operational yet thus making you weaker. Skipping all of the unnecessary rushed information will make it seem more sense since a dangerous threat is coming towards you. Lets do the real tutorial later, JUST GET THE HELL OUT.

Also how it is currently when we are done with the tutorial part the gate just opens all of a sudden. It would be nice if there was some fading of the stars to the other side or like how they did in the PS4 trailer. This small change would make it look more polished. Also when we walk out of the gate suddenly Grineer appear and start to shoot at us. I think there should be an animation or a small cinematic where they look behind them and then suddenly see a Warframe coming towards them and they would shout something like "Watch out!" and alarmed the enemies that way and then starts shooting at us, how they currently just appear out of nowhere and start shooting just feels strange especially since they have not been alarmed. Since these are only 2 Grineer Lancers at the gate having a not fully operational Warframe shouldn't be that much of a problem.

The end part where you meet Vor seems just majorly unpolished like I said earlier. The cinematic should show him walking towards you with his body guards and he should be surprised seeing us. We would then run towards him with the Skana blade trying to attack him but since our Warframe systems are not fully operational he would exploit this weakness of ours and push us away and then he would take out his key and fire that laser at us and we wouldn't be able to take the strength of a Orokin artifact eventually making us fall over and eventually slowly going unconscious while other Tenno appear to save us. (this would explain why in the trailer the Excalibur could easily block the laser because the suit was fully operational, but here with how it is in-game that we are too weak to resist it and fall down)

Also when you pass out it just suddenly switches to the solar system. They should make it that your screen turns black like how it is now but like a bit longer and while you are in the black screen you hear enemies dying and shooting while that sound slowly fades out while you are going unconscious.

AFTER THIS There should be a second tutorial part (But in a white room how it is like in every level up screen) after you have been saved by the Tenno. Where you wake up from having been unconscious. This part will show you the rest you have missed out on the first part like wallrunning, stealth kills, mission types, warframe systems being operational and getting a tutorial about how it works, etc.

All of this could make the experience a lot more polished and better and a lot more entertaining.


EDIT: Just did it again to try and find map glitches and.... wow.....

Edited by R3leaZ
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some of these are hardly polish related. just preference.

there are plenty of ways to polish something, including making a mandatory but largely unwanted tutorial shorter and less cinematic. and instead go fro something clean and informative.

i dont need a 20 minute intro to any game. no point in it here either. get the info and get to playing.

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