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Energy Regen And Auras


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I think auras idea is not so bad, but its realization is terrible, so do devs really mean that i either have to spend 9 mod points on energy siphon for a slightly faster energy regeneration, or stay without any energy regen at all?

I'm sure that all warframes should have innate energy regen based on frames (so ember and banshee should have for example 3 energy over 10 seconds, when heavy frames like rhino should have only 1). Or if that best imo solution is unacceptable for devs they should do something like - 1) remove or lower auras cost perhaps add special aura polarity OR 2)improve some aura to be not that slight like energy siphon so that lose of mod points would at least make you stronger then you was with artifacts OR 3) add special mod that will regenerate energy only for you at faster rate then aura so i could simply ignore aura mod ( or put a damage mod that will match my polarity, right?)

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Max energy siphon here, with max redirection, with lvl 9 steel fiber, with lvl 9 vitality, with max continuity, max flow, max streamline and max decoy, invisiblity, switch teleport and radial disarm and still got room for 2 mod points. New update brings no real challenge to me.

Your complains are invalid, you simply are to weak.

Edited by Desauron
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FINALLY someone brings this up.

While I like the idea of the aura system, I think it's really unfair to certain ones. (Take what I'm about to say with a grain of salt, as energy siphon was a dream come true for me, and I am VERY better about its ner%&^e) It seems to me that certain auras–the ammo scavengers, for instance–retain the level of effectiveness they had as an artifact as an unranked mod, whereas others, such as energy siphon, only reach their original strength when almost fully leveled.

This seems rather unfair for certain builds, as well as for people who put significant effort into hunting down the more elusive artifacts. I propose that all aura mods retain their original strength at level 0. That way, people could continue to use their favored tactics without a massive cost of mod capacity and fusion materials, while still having the option to allocate mod points to increase the aura's effectiveness, should they choose to do so. To compensate, I think the auras should keep the rarity levels they had as artifacts, instead of all being uncommon. Energy siphon and the like should be hard to get, but effective once you do.

I also agree on the idea of an energy recharge stat for each frame. In my opinion, a pickup-based energy system is old-fashioned, and doesn't fit the fast-moving, dynamic combat of warframe, as it causes me to take a miserly attitude towards power usage, and relegates most powers to more of a "emergencies only" role that as an integral part of combat. In my perfect world, all warframe abilities would be on a cooldown system, but as that's likely not happening, base recharge rates would be a simple step in the right direction. Also, a mod that allows very fast energy recharge at the cost of preventing the use of energy pickups could be a good compromise.

Sorry for the wall of text, but I feel very strongly about this issue, as it's the only thing keeping Warframe from being the perfect game of my dreams.

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For me, the perfect solution would be making specific Aura Polarity that every Aura Mod has, because it punishes trying to be versatile. Also, nerfing Energy Siphon below the previous version did not make me happy. On the other hand, Rifle Amp got buffed to 40% bonus dmg, so.. Fair?

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Don't get me wrong, I'm not yelling about difficulty or something, it's pretty easy, and it's not what I'm arguing about. Just in case, I still can put all mods i need and feel really strong destroying enemies 60+ lvls and so on, but now i cant put some mods i want, some stamina or radar mods. I always wanted some evolution in energy system, so some weak abilities could be spamed in battle just like gunfire (most of then like ember's fireball are never used, you know). So in update we not getting any real improvements, not only, they even took away some mod points and don't gave anything in exchange. For me its really frustrating, in same time now, as i mention before, i cant use some mods i want, and things about energy regeneration didn't get any better....

And yeah forget to mention I just played ~ 10 games and no one, NO ONE using energy siphon(before U9 almost everyone was using it, or at least 1 guy of 4 always was using energy siphon anyway), so actually energy regeration speed get greatly reduced.

Edited by ilyatyu
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