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[Warframe Concept] Gravity Frame


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Sorry how long it took me to get back to this warframe concept I've been busy irl, but I'm not giving up yet ;)


I have noticed that after me came 2 other gravity based themes while I was gone :o



I've reworked some of the skills I have here and added some different ones, while removing my thoughts on the costs until I have some good skills down first.



This warframe is built around tactical positioning/mobility and crowd control

- This warframe will remove the limitation of the ground to give a different style of mobility for the game.

- I have more than 4 skills available, While you can get 4 of them the other one you could find and interchange with another skill? or just kick the three lame ones. (I've thought it odd that you can't pick up a new skill for your frame later on.)


For concept art I was thinking of a metallic looking suit (Not an artist unless you want a stick figure :P )

 -How does everyone get these warframe pictures just their art or is there an application that 'builds' it?




Health: 75 (Max:225)
Shield: 125(Max:175)
Energy: 100(Max:200)
Armor: 40
Sprint: 1



First up I want to get some cool skills that everyone likes, unlike last time where I put costs in at the same time.




1) Gravitational Time Dilation ~Crowd Control~

- Slows anything within the sphere.

* Creates a sphere at targeted location and slows enemies inside.



2) Pin ~Crowd Control~
- Increases the gravity of nearby enemies, knocking them down on the ground for a few seconds.

* Creates a *Shockwave* that knocks enemies down then holds them down for x number of time.

3) Positional gravity ~Mobility~
-Ability to change your orientation with gravity - Walk on the wall or ceiling instead of running across it.

* To change your orientation start a wall run then activate this ability to change your gravity direction.



4) Geodesic manipulating ~Crowd Control~

- Using subtle gravity changes you are able to slowly bend your bullets to hit each of your targets.

(Please note this is similar to mag's bullet attractor however it is for every enemy not just a target, except this is only for the gravity warframe. The affect will be invisible to everyone, as they can't use this.)

*Geodesic is used mainly to explain how light travels. By using this ability and making bullets follow the same path of light it could look like it bends, toward the target. (Please note that this may not be 100% real life accurate, Geodesics confuse me.... Hard to get my head around that concept. Sorry)

5) Center of Gravity ~Crowd Control~
- By setting yourself as the center of gravity enemies will be pulled next to you putting them into melee range.

* Forces enemies to slowly be pulled toward you which you can then use to time a perfect melee attack.

(Again technically similar to mags pull, although I was thinking that it didn't stumble the target, just pulls them closer)

6) Black hole ~Crowd Control~
- By focusing your gravitational powers into a small point you create a point in space that will collapse in on itself and pulls enemies into it killing them (or massive dmg to bosses).

* This creates a small black hole in front of you, it will crush enemies (May just do so much damage then get destroyed, or timed.)



7) Gravitational Weakening ~Mobility~ -=Seems pointless=-

-Lowers the gravity for all ally warframes, enabling increased jump height and speed for 10 seconds.

* Increases jump height and speed for all warframes...






1) Fluxuate or Gravitational Step
- By fluxuating your gravitational pull to the ground you are able to make yourself fall at a greater pace, and make yourself lighter when taking a step. (You run faster nothing really special here)
* This would drain about 5 energy per second, Toggle on and off.
Upgrading will grant, Increased speed %

2) Pin
- Increases the gravity of nearby enemies, knocking them down on the ground for a few seconds.
* This would cost 50 energy
Upgrading will grant, Increased radius or Increased knockdown time (or both)

3) Black hole
- By focusing your gravitational powers into a small point you create a point in space that will collapse in on itself and pulls enemies into it killing them (or massive dmg to bosses).
* This would cost 125 energy -requires cast time
Upgrading will grant, Increased pull radius and speed and slightly more dmg


*The animation could look similar to mag's crush.

4) Positional gravity
-Ability to change your orientation with gravity- Walk on the wall instead of running across it.
* This would drain about 2.5 energy per second, Toggle off when not wall running.

Upgrading will grant less energy usage, 2.5 energy per 2 seconds or something?


Upgrading will grant a larger dmg threshold before you fall?

*To use this ability you would need to start a wall run then activate it, turning your view to fit the orientation of your character
*This ability would allow you to run on the ceilings at twice the drain speed so in the example 5 energy per second.

*This ability can't normally be used to skip areas as the doors are on the ground.

Once the warframe's energy is spent, a wall slide would start to occur before falling completely

5) Gravitational Retraction

-Retracts the central gravitational pull from yourself toward your enemies pushing them out of the way. A wave or single targets. (Short knockdown time)

*This would cost 15 energy

6) Gravitational Weakening

-Lowers the gravity for all ally warframes, enabling increased jump height for 10 seconds.

*This would cost 20 energy

Upgrading will grand increased time, or increased height.



My notes about the warframe

*Positional gravity would be the major skill for this warframe and would be the most difficult to create, melee AI would be at a massive disadvantage however... Thoughts?


*Positional gravity could be situational to the map. (Some areas walls can't be ran on.)


*With 7 skills the warframe would get only 4 to start with, and as the game progresses they could find another skill that they could replace with the ones they don't like, or to replace for a situation. (Unless when making you just toss out 3 of the skills)


*If someone tries to jump out, like above a buildings wall outside, they would be teleported back onto the floor like if you jumped down a cliff.


* The game is built for mobility, ducking and taking cover isn't really the point of the game. So when normal warframes are dodging obstacles or being swarmed by enemies, this warframe gets on the ceiling to unleash a hail of bullets.




Thanks for reading! :)

Edited by Betrail
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Sorry it has been 5 days, I have been busy with real life.. I've updated my concept with some different skills and removed my thoughts on energy.



The other gravity frames seem to be more for tanks, where this one is more self-centered.

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