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Latron Damage too low?


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I think that the damage for the Latron is a little low. Maybe I just don't have enough Apr upgrades for it. But I went from a lv 25 Latron to a lv 5 Bustron and I was doing more damage with the bustron. I just think that the damage for the fire rate being so low should be increased by a small amount. Does anyone else feel the same way as I? Cause once when you start to get into area's that is crowded it starts to become quite a problem cause you have to start back tracking.

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I think that the damage for the Latron is a little low.

yes. yes it is.

Its not even getting close to dps braton can dish out (im not even taking gorgon into account), it has too big recoil and shoting without ADS has spread worse than gorgon.

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I liked the latron until I started using the Aklato...

I think the Latron definitely needs more damage capability, but you still have to consider what weapons you're bringing in to what type of mission. If you're going into something that will require high damage as fast as possible, you need to pick weapons accordingly... the Latron is better for stealthier missions where you can approach things a little more methodically...

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Latron only shines when you can land headshots reliably. It can pretty much 1-2 shots grineer/corpus with percise headshots, and some ap mods. Wish it have better out of aim accuracy though.

Not really; It's hitting 30-40 Headshots.

On heavy's thats it.

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I liked the latron until I started using the Aklato...

I think the Latron definitely needs more damage capability, but you still have to consider what weapons you're bringing in to what type of mission. If you're going into something that will require high damage as fast as possible, you need to pick weapons accordingly... the Latron is better for stealthier missions where you can approach things a little more methodically...

I play Sha; So that's the only reason why I really wanted to test that weapon out to start with.

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I really love everything about the Latron EXCEPT for the recoil. It recoils too hard after each shot to allow players to reliably last hit with it. That said, I still love and use it a lot.

I Really, love the gun as well. The whole aspect of a single shot weapon. But the problem is that when mobs start racking up. They just keep doing so cause you cannot kill at speed with the gun.

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Reduce zoom and recoil a bit and it would be a solid mid-range headbooper. Maybe hip-firing accuracy up a tiny bit, but not much.

I would have to agree with you. I feel that if they removed some of the recoil it'd be better or if they increased the damage and left the recoil were it was. Any change like this would greatly turn the tables to see more people use this weapon.

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I Really, love the gun as well. The whole aspect of a single shot weapon. But the problem is that when mobs start racking up. They just keep doing so cause you cannot kill at speed with the gun.

I'm currently using 2x +48.5% fire rate mods and I have no issue whatsoever mowing down a group of enemies. I'm honestly considering replacing one with damage as I haven't found the rate of fire to be a huge problem really. The only issue with having that kind of rate of fire is that the recoil really messes with your aiming.

Because the Latron serves me so well in Mid-Long range fights, I am able to spec my pistol and melee wep for the scenarios where I get overwhelmed by Infested and occasionally corpus. Akfuris with Electric damage mods to deal with corpus, and scindo to deal with infestation rushes. The latron takes care of infested ancients just fine.

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