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Teleport - Ash Skill Tweak & Fix


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Hello fellow Ash users, as most of you are aware, Ash Teleport skill is one of the least used of all his skills. Alot of Ash user already polarized one of the Scratch polarity to another one, to keep this one out.


While Maxed Shuriken is quite nice to destroy heavy target (2x500 damage shurikens)

While Maxed Smoke Screen provides us with 6 seconds baddass content an anonymity

While Maxed Bladestorm rapes multiple targets in various ways


A maxed Teleport purely increased the range of it.


What i would like to suggest or tweak & fix, is a special "finisher" animation for the skill. It's kinda join Bladestorm animation with it. 


We also know, that after teleport, we have a split second where we just stand there looking at the enemy face, (or &#! if you were crouched before), so i would like to suggest that, after using teleport to an enemy target, the following would occur:


60% chance to happen: Ash kick/punch the target making a knock down/knock back (kick = knock down / punch = knock back)


30% chance to happen: Ash lifts his target above his head with a kick (bladestorm animation) dealing a small(50)/medium(100)/average(150) damage. After the animation the enemy is down (so it gives knock down)


10% chance to happen: If teleport in front, normal bladestorm frontal attack, but half damage (250), if teleport to back, normal bladestorm back attack, once again, half damage (250).



Please note, the main idea is to give a small control after the skill, the damage here is more of a reason for not giving so much work to DE if they implement the bladestorm animations. You can expect to have a double arm knife pass throw your throat and be harmless right?


Anyway, even a small CC would be nice, even if the animation would be the same, but just standing there and getting kicked in the face is just, wrong. 

Feel free to provide solutions or alternatives.




Your fellow Ash player, Endrance

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it's basically the same, i just got it more explicit xD


Still, any change would be nice


Yours is a bit overcomplicated for me. All teleport really needs is a few minor tweaks. Hell, if it didn't have the delay and caused a stagger on the enemy you used it on, I wouldn't even mind the energy usage.

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Yours is a bit overcomplicated for me. All teleport really needs is a few minor tweaks. Hell, if it didn't have the delay and caused a stagger on the enemy you used it on, I wouldn't even mind the energy usage.

Indeed, i got a bit carried away. But like you've said, a few minor tweaks and the skill will be great

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Indeed, i got a bit carried away. But like you've said, a few minor tweaks and the skill will be great


I've noticed that on this forum when people suggest modifications of warframe powers they tend to turn the powers into godmode abilities :P

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