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Programable Rooms?


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Tired of 1v1 dueling? or maybe one person at a time on the obstacle course? what if the room interaction button (the one where you can place decorations or destroy rooms) included an option for say 2v2, 3v3, or even 4v4 duels? and possibly for the obstacle course make it a race between up to 4 players at a time

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I think this would be a great idea, since the PvP is still in Alpha now its the time to throw ideas like this out.


Arena based combat would be so much fun, allow players to make teams and even clans to have their "endorsed" team to do clan team duels.  Say you think you're better than another clan, well you could prove it in a 2v2 or a 4v4 etc duel vs that clan's team.

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I think that instead of remaking the PvP and/or Obstacle course rooms in the dojo, there will be made another area that is fully centered around competition. Thus it makes it easier for people not in the same clan to face each other, and yet you would still be able to make lobbies to invite just your friends/clanmates into. There could be lobby options Private, Invite Only, Clan Only, or Open.

Edited by Commander_Snake_Eyes
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