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Grineer Tenno


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Chapter's are coming with some awesome stuff im sure, with more lore and all that; From the tease(for example) we can see some orokin artifact, and im sure some weapons and other stuff like that(skills?) will come into rewards one time or another.


But seeing the last livestream one thing i wished seemed pretty cool and inline with chapters/lore...


A 'grineer modified tenno'.




A new warframe with slight different art style(from other warframes), instead closer to the grineer. Why?




+Some of the bosses show skills quite close to some warframes. Were talking about 'our' offspring here; Grineers are cloned remains of what humans once were, and what tennos/orokins became at some point. Its a lost highly advanced technology that the grineer surely wants for themselves;


Sure, they want to terminate the Tenno and Lotus because they're a thread, but how to stop then? Even those top elite grineer(bosses) who shows some affinity with old/higher tech aren't cutting it yet. We have most grineer a little bit off from current discoveries ("the tenno are real!") and one heck of a bastard captain wanting to deal with a warframe cryopod for himself... Vor seems to me like someone who wants more power for himself, not simply destroying the tenno. Plus, 'destroy all tenno' isn't quite enought to add weight for the more deep lore/story that surely is coming.


And we are hinted at warframes outside Lotus alliance, like that one who should not be named.


The Grineer Tenno (Name tottally placeholder of course)


Born out of an experiment to adapt a whole warframe to be aligned(affinity) with Grineer genes and biology (since they're clearly biotech) the Grineer Tenno (maybe named something like 'subject [something]') is an modified warframe with its own design with a bunch of grineer tech/armor attached.

Its actually two ideas in one; Since from the livestream we know decisions are coming along, the Grineer Tenno comes with an nice(in my opnion) idea to link everything together: his final skills or stats being teased at along two versions, each version linked to one of the two decisions of 'his' chapter.


So along with that chapter and special event, the decision that wins (most players/clans) is the one that is rolled out. The Grineer Tenno is rescued from the experiment and or defeated and 'freed'(his warframe at least) but if it will align itself with 'hate/destruction/vengeance' or something else is decided by the players. Just teasing ideas, we're still a lot in the dark about the lore so im making blind shots here.



To bring some variety to warframes (aesthetics) without steering far from the lore; How much grineer or tenno is up to debate and decision from the designers but still seens like a viable cool option for me.


In my case is a little bit more especific(and i don't know how many of the player base i represent): i love everything about the game except the warframes art style(vauban and nova i liked more). They hit some right notes with me, some more then others, but many 'wrong' ones. Its a matter of taste, but i think varied tastes should/can be cattered to within the lore if they don't break from the overall artstyle;


I love the artstyle from corpus to grineer to orokin towers to most of the guns(dat bronco!) and im not alone with the grineer; How can someone not like those bulky grineer lancers and those masks?


+DE already have half the job done, like boss armors to tweak; I would love a grineer tenno looking like some boss but with a proper tenno/warframe helmet (even more,  A WHOLE LOT MORE if it could close the grineer helmet while using some skill).


AND... it need not be a 'get used to it if you don't like the aesthetics' because... the prime version of this warframe could be it pure-no-grineer atachments. Everyone's happy!


Ive already hinted at mixing/tweaking grineer boss armors... But thats not all when were talking about design, in game design silhouetes matter and making sure players will not constantly confuse his fellow tenno with a enemy is important.

And here is where the visual idea tie in with a gameplay one i had beeing savoring and wishing to see... another kind of defensive warframe that like the shielded grineer carries a shield. Albeit one much different then a primitive riot shield, somethink more orokin like.

A warframe helmet in a grineer even gets overshadowed by the difference such a shield could make silhouete wise. 'But what with the animation? Where you stick that shield when you're doing melee?'


You simply don't. The shielded warframe ditchs melee weaponry as part of the trade for his advantages(whichever those might be). When using melee? Say hi to shield bash.

wanna block grineer shield bashers? Bash those bastards at the same time and shows who is stronger. Like to bash people you bastard?! Got ya!


I think i don't need to get into details about skill ideas with a shielded warframe, thousands cool ones could come up and hey, we can use this topic to bring new ones anytime.


And yeah, it also opens space to bring some other grineer stuff to a warframe; Maybe a scorpion hook that beyond knockdown+pull could get health/energy orbs? Perhaps one of the grineer bosses skills? Perhaps releasing tiny rollers/bombs? The more i think about it more ideas come, but of course it need not be 'all grineer' style, he's still a tenno/warframe after all.

And perhaps that could be what's in question with the whole 'chapter decision-event' that could come up with it. More or less grineer skills?

please, PLEASE, if you like/want it vote this post up, get it to the design council if you're there... if you're with me and would love that happening say it. I would be at the design council pushing this idea foward but im in a really tight budget, buying cash for nova first-day is probably as far as im spending on gaming for quite a long time.

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it sounded a little strange and odd at first but as i read on i think it would be a interesting idea as i am sure the grinner like the corpus are experimented with orokin tech or warframes it think it would be interesting to have your idea not warframe but a boss a grinner modified with orokin tech bassically a grinner version of the warframe as a boss that would be very interesting your idea as having us use a grinner/tenno warframe is very interesting also

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i too would be intersted in this for each of the three factions to be considered comperable forces in the universe they must learn from each others technology to stay ahead this means adapting or reverse engineering enemy tech and incorporating it into their own espescially for corpus and grineer who covet orkin technology. a reverse could be the same as well a warframe who has modified themselves after the grineer or corpus for either infiltration or because they feel the tech they posses could help them win the war. heck even an adopted corpus or grineer could work, like a corpus tired of the strict structure enforced by the corpus society joins the tenno yearning for freedom, or a grineer who believes his only way to survive is just submit to the tenno ideas and their technology even if it means rebelling against his fellow clones. (i dont know what to make of teh infested)

Edited by Rada13
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how about just a modified excal? unless your talking about for us to use. but maybe the grinner got ahold of the excal frame and modified it to fit with a grinner clone. making a oddly shaped but effective enemy. then there could be a enemy for every frame. making it look as though they have semi succeeded in getting a hold of some frames. they would have to be a rare enemy. but i think it would be cool to fight a frost grinner that has holes in the snow globe because its kinda tampered with. or even a ash grinner that teleports randomly because its not 100% controlled. i like the idea

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