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Gravity Warframe Idea


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had a random idea for a gravity warframe and what his/her abilities could be


#1 G-Spike


A sudden surge in gravitational pressure causes targeted enemy to temporarily lose consciousness for a few seconds. Time unconscious increases with each level.


#2 Gravity Well


Creates a gravity well at targeted location any projectiles entering the well will orbit inside the well until the well expires sending whatever bullets inside the well spraying in tangential directions. Time and size increases each level. Enemies can damage themselves with this power (but so can tenno so use with caution).


#3 Dampening Field


Causes gravity to either increase when targeting enemies or decrease when targeting allies. the dampening field is centered on the warframe casting this abiliy. higher gravity will cause enemies to move more slowly and take some DoT. while lower gravity will allow players to jump higher. range increases with each level. damage affected by Focus.


#4 Gravity Press


Increases gravity to crush enemies against the floor causing high damage over time over a few seconds (something like 700+ over 2-3 seconds or less time) flying enemies affected by this ability fall to the floor but take less damage (as they were not on the ground for the full duration) Range and Damage increased per level


as for the health shields and power i have no clue what it should be set at any ideas? improvments?

Edited by Kravik
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