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Shaman Warframe Concept


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Name: Shaman


This frame works like no other frame. First and foremost this frame does not use a primary or a secondary weapon, instead this frame uses 3 melee weapons of your choice which you would switch through using the default "f" key. i wanted to implement this idea for a few different reasons. 1, you would have a weapon for each factions weakness. 2. you could have a slow weapon and a fast weapon depending on the situation. trust me, the more you think about it, the more you will like the idea. imagine having a glaive, fragor hammer, and fang at the same time. 


Health: 100

Shields: 100

armor: 100

energy 150


Energy Powers: Instead of using his weapons the Shaman uses the power of the elements (frost, fire, electricity). this frame doesnt use his powers like other frames, (dumping large amounts of energy per ability) instead this frame switches between 3 stances, fire, frost, and electricity. switching between the stances has a high energy cost but once you are in a stance you are free to cast the element of choice in place of your primary and secondary weapons. The damage of your spells would have to be based entirely on level but also they would have increased affects on certain factions as well. This is what makes the frame so different, he is a true caster.


1. Fire Stance: 75 Energy

Once activated, the Shaman is engulfed in flames causing an aoe explosion damaging and knocking down enemies. the flames then return under his control ready to be cast at his will. fire damage does increased damage to infested.


2. Frost Stance: 75 energy

Once activated, the Shaman surrounds himself in a block of ice for a very short duration and then explodes the ice in all directions knocking down and damaging enemies in the blast radius. From there, the Shaman casts ice. Frost damage also slows enemies.


3.Lightning Stance: 75 energy

Once activated, the Shaman emits a powerful burst of electricity knocking down and damaging enemies in a small aoe radius. Once complete the Shaman controls the power of electricity casting it from his fingertips. electricity damage will do increased damage to corpus and shields.


4. Elemental Ritual: 150 energy

The Shaman kneels and begins the ritual of the elements letting loose the powers of fire electricity and frost. lighting blasts down causing massive aoe vaporizing enemies if they are killed. molten fireballs fall causing more aoe and melting enemies if killed. meanwhile the whole time enemies are slowed massively from the cold decreasing their armor as well. while this power may sound insanely overpowered, remember it comes at a high energy cost and also, i would make it have a pretty short duration only lasting like 10 to fifteen seconds. on top of that, the shaman would be kneeling and unable to control so you are also vulnerable. 


well thats all i got guys.


please respond and let me know what you think. if i get enough feedback ill drop some artwork too.




Edited by Xili-Zah-Xhen
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