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Defender The Tank Warframe


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Health 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30) Power 100.0 (150.0 at rank 30) Armor 100.0 Shield Capacity 150.0 (450.0 at rank 30) Sprint Speed 1.00


1.Kinetic shock wave   Cost to equip of 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 energy cost 25  damage 100/200/300 stun duration 2/3/4 seconds


you send a series of powerful shock waves of kinetic energy outwards in front of you knocking down blasting back enemy's hit and stunning them briefly


what this does is send a series of kinetic shock waves outward in a straight line of front of knocking down and blasting back all enemy's hit except bosses it also stuns enemy's for a brief moment stun duration can be increased by continuity and constitution i will also note that this ability does not look banshees it is similar to the shock wave from mass effect 2

2.Prototype mods Cost to equip of 4 / 5 / 6 / 7  energy cost 40


you reinforce armor and shields for 6 seconds with prototype armor mods this reduces the damage you take by 20% for 6 seconds and enables shield regeneration during combat while shields take damage

duration can not be increased


3.Deflective shield Cost to equip of 6 / 7 / 8 / 9  energy cost 50


you enable use of your powerful deflective shield for 5 seconds any attack that hits you is deflected back at the target for half the damage it would normally do duration can not be increased and no this is not nyx's abosrb this does not absorb damage and unleash it in a explosion all this does is deflective any attack back at the attacker for less damage

4.high risk high reward  Cost to equip of 10 / 11 / 12 / 13  energy cost 100  damage 1000/1100/1200/1300


you bypass all safety measures in your warframe charging it with massive amounts of energy you charge forward at your enemy hitting it with a kinetic blast then your put all of your shield power into your fist slamming the ground unleashes a powerful blast of energy that ignores armor and does a lot of damage but does reduced damage to shields does more damage the more shields you have when you use the ability


ok what high risk high reward does is you charge at the enemy hitting them then you transfer all your shield power into you fist and slam the ground unleashing a huge and powerful blast of energy it does high damage but you sacrifice your shields hence the name high risk high reward but the more shields you have when you use this ability the more damage it will do

Edited by Archangelzz
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Vanguard =/= Defender/Tank. Vanguard implies an offensive warframe.


Power 1 = Banshee's Power 1

Power 2 = Rhino's Iron Skin

Power 3 = Nyx's Absorb



Seriously? Gonna have to be more creative than that.

lol you people are all one sided aren't you the first power is more like shock wave from mass effect 2 look it up its nothing like banshees power reinforced armor does not absorb damage it simply lets you take 20% less of it for 5 seconds and reflective shield is different as well you do not absorb damage then give it all back reflective shield takes every attack that hits you and deflects it back at the target it came from the closest thing i could compare it to is a jedi deflecting a blaster bolt back at the shooter with his light saber except with vanguard its a shield not a weapon

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Power 1 = Banshee's Power 1

Power 2 = Rhino's Iron Skin

Power 3 = Nyx's Absorb



Seriously? Gonna have to be more creative than that.

i already have created several war frames with ability's that are not in game and probably wont be for a long time if at all

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