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Gibel, The Swarm Warframe - Warframe Concept


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A panacea for his allies and a bane of his enemies.

A living hive, throbbing, bursting, waiting for his countless army to be set on victims.


Hello, I'm a warframe player almost for a year now, and I have a concept of a new warframe. I'm VERY BAD at drawing, so I don't think I'll be able to draw it. But I'll try anyway, so there might appear the worst warframe concept art ever. But he's supposed to look like a hive. Really. With holes. Hello trypophobia. This warframe wasn't supposed to be edgy originally (I wanted to create something like Octavia or Titania, but as a male warframe), but insects and everything else is too spooky to be not edgy, please forgive me. 

Gibel (means premature, agonizing violent death) is a warframe that has abilities to control insects and arachnids. He's also based on manipulations with his own health.


  • Mastery rank: 8
  • Health: 250 (400 at rank 30)
  • Passive health regen: 5 per second
  • Shield: 0
  • Armor: 90
  • Energy: 0 (I'll explain this later)
  • Sprint speed: 1.00

Abilities (I'm not sure about the names):

Gibel has no energy at all since he uses his health to cast abilities. The amount of used health for casting can be decreased with power efficiency and power duration (for first, third and fourth abilities) mods. Gibel can't restore his health with other warframes abilities (Oberon, Trinity, Nidus, Harrow) and health restoring weapons (Hema, Hirudo, melee with a Life Strike mod), since this could make him a perfect warframe for spamming his abilities without any consequences. If anyone uses healing ability on Gibel, the caster of ability gets healing effects of ability back (for example, Oberon recieves double healing, but Gibel gets an armor buff), but ability doesn't stack if there's more than one Gibel in the team. Energy orbs restore Gibel's health just like health orbs, but they can trigger Energy Conversion mod. Quick thinking, Rage and shield/maximum energy capacity mods are useless for this warframe. Gibel can get bonus armor using Health Conversion mod. This warframe can't be revived by other players. If he loses all his health, then he instantly dies. I think, Gibel's health should actually work more like armor of Grineer soldiers, since it can't be healed by anything except his abilities and energy/health orbs. His health bar should be yellow like Grineer armor and is supposed to be some version of chitin.

Passive - Blood Of The Swarm

  • This passive allows Gibel to restore health of his allies when he's losing his own health. When Gibel reaches 20% of his health, he gets a 25HP per second regeneration buff that ends when Gibel gets at least 40% of his maximum health. Gibel can't use his second, third and fourth abilities while he regenerates from from low health. Health and energy orbs restore 2.5% of Gibel's maximum health instead of just 50.


  • Uses 3% of health per second. (1% when he regenerates)
  • Can't be activated while airborne, doesn't interrupt reloading animation.
  • Gibel produces health orbs with 20% and energy orbs with 5% chance from nearby corpses while the ability is active (health and energy orb drop chance can be increased with power strength mods). This ability makes corpses dissapear, so Nekros can't desecrate them.

Viral Gnaw

  • Uses 20% of health.
  • Can be used while airborne, doesn't interrupt reloading animation.
  • A swarm of gnaw attacks the targets in a small area, stuns enemies for a short period, deals slash and viral damage with a 15%/sec status chance (status chance and damage can be increased with power strength mods). 
  • If target's first status effect was slash, Gibel and nearby allies will recieve some armor (15 per enemy) as a temporary buff (I think it's supposed to stack up to 150 bonus armor). If first status effect is viral, Gibel and his allies will recieve some health regeneration(5 per enemy) (20HP/sec at maximum stacking) (Armor and regen buffs depend on power strength, maximum stacking and area of ability can be increased with power range).
  • If enemy dies under effect of ability, swarm will get damage increase that is equal to 20% of victim's health. This effect works only three times with targets, killed by players, but it keeps stacking without limits if enemies are killed by swarm. 
  • This ability has a low duration, because it can easily become overpowered if swarm kills too many enemies.

Spider Shell

  • Uses 5% of health per second.
  • Can be activated while airborne, interrupts reloading animation.
  • Gibel buffs his allies with spider armor, that increases power strength, gives 150 bonus armor and an ability to get energy (like Harrow's third ability, but it doesn't need to charge) and restore Gibel's health for kills (the amount of health and energy restored depends on power strength, power strength and armor buffs can be increased by using power range mods).

A Living Hive

  • Uses 10% of health per second.
  • Can't be used while airborne, interrupts reloading animation.
  • Gibel starts spawning four types of helping minions: Exploding Flies, Rhinoceros Beetles, Wasps and Spiders (power strength mods increase basic stats of minions, power range mods increase the maximum amount of minions spawned).
  • Stats of minions depend on damage that Gibel recieved from enemies (not damage from his own abilities) in a minute.
  • Exploding Flies explode (lol), causing knockdown and leaving a cloud (stays for 1 second longer for every 100 damage taken by Gibel) that procs corrosive status every second.
  • Rhinoceros Beetles attract enemies and tank damage (they have a lot of health), also they regenerate pretty quickly (1% per second for every 50 damage taken), but Gibel gets 5% of damage that every beetle takes (this is used to help this ability scale).
  • Wasps deal high puncture damage and open enemies for finishers (target stays open for a finishing attack for 0.5 second longer for every 100 damage taken).
  • Spiders attach themselves to warframes, specters or insects from hive, heal them (25HP/sec), give them power range and efficiency buff (+50%/+25%) and deal decent toxic damage to nearby enemies.

I have some thoughts on Gibel's augment mods, and they're mostly supposed to make Gibel's abilities more damaging and less supportive.

Symbiotic Leech

  • Uses 50HP per second to charge.
  • Leeches become independent minions that attack closest enemy to Gibel that hasn't been attacked by other leeches yet and make them stunned until the duration of ability ends or enemies die. They slowly drain enemy's health (something like 3% per second), but don't restore Gibel's health until enemy dies. If Gibel holds first ability button, the ability drains Gibel's health and increases damage of leeches (+1% for every 100HP). If enemies under the effect die, Gibel will get a part of health that was drained to charge this ability back depending on amount of enemies that were killed (for example, Gibel used 100HP to charge this ability and leeches attacked two enemies. Only one enemy died, so Gibel will recieve 50HP back) and will recieve some health that was drained from enemies.
  • Ability has a low duration to don't make it too overpowered.

Corroding Gnaw

  • Swarm of gnaw loses all slash and viral and gets corrosive damage with 25% status chance.
  • When targets of ability get their first corrosive proc, Gibel and nearby allies recieve a temporary armor buff (25 per enemy) that stacks up to 300 armor.
  • Enemies killed by gnaw have a higher chance to drop recources or health/energy orbs (50%).
  • Corpses of killed enemies will be corroded, so Nekros can't desecrate them, but gibel's first ability will get increased energy drop chance (10% in total).

Chitinous Shell

  • Uses 30% of health.
  • Gibel can't use this ability on allies, but his Spider Shell gives him some protection (like Iron Skin), restores his health and energy of nearby allies when shell gets damage.
  • If ability is used again while shell is still not destroyed, it will explode and deal high puncture and corrosive damage.

Queen's Hive

  • Uses 15% of health per second.
  • All minion's stats are doubled.
  • Spawns a Queen Of Hive that has 30% of Gibel's health and recieves all his buffs.
  • Queen follows Gibel, giving Gibel 100 bonus armor, restoring 20% of his health per second and regenerates her own health when they're close.
  • If Queen dies, the whole hive dies too and Gibel can't use his fourth ability for some time. If Gibel deactivates this ability, Queen stays until she restores to 90% of her health, she's invincible and doesn't drain any health, but can't heal Gibel. Gibel can't activate his fourth ability again until the Queen leaves.

Lore and quest:

The quest in which you get Gibel's blueprint is supposed to have a name "Remains Of The Swarm(or "Gibel's Swarm", I'm not really sure).

To get this quest, players need to have Eris unlocked and The War Within quest finished, because there is decision in this quest that operator can make.

Quest starts with a message from Lotus. She says that something strange happens on Eris. Some infested fight with eachother. Lotus asks player to find out why this is happening.

Player starts a mission and realizes that some infested don't attack him and aren't aggresive at all. Lotus asks player to kill all agressive infested and follow the "strange" ones. Player gets to an extraction point after he kills all enemies.

Second mission starts at infested corpus ship. Lotus asks to look around. after finding some strange flies, Lotus says that player should follow them. After some time of following player finds a room with a giant hive in the middle. At the moment when player tries to enter the hive, he gets corrosive status and a lot of damage, then the entrance closes and player stays outside. Lotus says to destroy this thing, but a huge insect descends from the top of the hive. It uses telepathy to talk with operator and Lotus. She says that she's a queen of the swarm and asks to stay away from the hive, since she is slowly getting weaker and can't control some parts of the swarm anymore. Lotus says that she might know the origin of the hive, but she's not sure and player has to talk with Queen about this. Queen says that she doesn't remember anymore, but there's information about the swarm in the codex of some infested ships. Player starts three spy missions on Sedna, Phobos and Pluto. During the mission some transmissions appear.


  • There was once a proud warrior, made of bronze and shining velvet (when queen says "warrior", you can hear "now he's gone" in the background)


  •  I don't understand, is it...


  • Could you ever imagine, that a machine can be the very meaning of life? (after queen says "imagine", you can hear "that he wasn't meant to create rotting abominations like us?") 

LotusIt wasn't a lie...


  • We were created to die for his golden lords, but he loved us like we were his children ("He suffered for us, but we were too weak to repay him")

Lotus, after the last transmission from the queen:

  • Tenno, get to extraction as fast as you can. We don't have much time.

Lotus after the extraction:

  • It may be not too late. You need to get there right now. Please, hurry.

Lotus, when player starts the final mission:

  • Tenno, there was... a warframe long ago. He could create life. Not real life. Mindless drones, made of flesh.
  • Orokin never used him as a warrior. He was just a source of battle machines for their army.
  • Once he created a real life. It could feel, it could think, it could be... afraid of death.
  • His last creations... They changed him. They made him strong. And he wanted to protect them. He escaped from orokin.
  • If his creations are still alive, does it mean... No. It can't be.

After the last phrase, player gets into the room, where he discovers a warframe, that has infested flesh grown around him, and an infested operator. At the beginning of the battle Lotus says:

  • The swarm lived so long, because there's still something inside this infestation, that is still alive. Tenno, please, end his suffering.


  • If it's our fate to die, then we won't resist. We can't let our father suffer anymore ("He's suffering because of us. We don't deserve this" in the background)

When player kills the operator, his last words are:

  • Thank you. You are now the ruler of the swarm.


  • The swarm is... still alive? Then you are... ("suffering for us now?" in the background)

The mission ends and player gets a warframe blueprint. Other parts can be obtained from caches during the Hive mission on Eris, Corrupted Vor in the Void missions and from agressive syndicate specters/Zanuka/Grustrag.


  • Tenno, it's not over yet. The most part of the swarm is infested, but there's no one to control their infestation anymore. If you try... the same thing will happen again.

Player gets transmissions from three syndicates: Cephalon Suda, Red Veil and New Loka. Player will get a choice.


  • Tenno, there is a way to help them. These creatures are immune to infestation, but not if they get it from their operator. I know how to cure their minds, but I'm afraid that they won't be strong enough to protect themselves anymore. Please, let me help them, these beatiful creatures don't desrve to die. (The swarm will be cured from infestation, but it will become a lot weaker, Suda will protect the swarm)  (positive choice)


  • Tenno, you can help them only by putting them out of their misery. This infested warframe is the source. If you will destroy it, the infected ones will die. We will help the ones who survived. If the infestation won't be stopped, these creatures will suffer forever. This is the right decision, and you know it. (Infested part of the swarm will be destroyed, New Loka will protect the rest of the swarm) (neutral choice)


  • There's always a way to control the infestation. Let us use them for our research, and we will make them even stronger, than they have ever been. The weak ones will always die, but these things got a potential. (The infestation will be under control, the swarm will become a lot stronger, but it will become mindless infested minions) (negative chioce)

After making the choice, the quest will be complete. Some time later player will recieve a message from a syndicate, that "helped" the swarm.


  • Tenno, almost a half of the hive now is completely cured from infestation. While I was working on the cure, I found a way to create clones of these beatiful things, just like that ancient warframe did. Sadly, they don't have their conscience. The Queen asked to send them to you to help in your missions. (Player gets a Queen Of Hive Specter blueprint, specter heals nearby allies and increases their maximum health)


  • Tenno, you made the right choice. Most of the survivors are completely safe now, and some are ready to fight. However, they say, that you are the only one, who can lead them. So, please, accept them as your allies. (Player gets a Cleansed Spider Specter blueprint, specter regenerates energy of nearby allies and protects them from status effects)


  • Your sacrifice is appreciated, warrior, the infestation is under our control and these things now are your lawful servants, use them for your own purposes. (Player gets a Mutalist Beetle Specter blueprint, specter tanks damage and releases a cloud of corrosive gas).

Specter Blueprints can also be bought from the syndicates (Queen - Suda and Arbiters, Spider - Loka and Perrin, Beetle - Veil and Meridian) or other players. The Hive captura scene will become obtainable from the caches on Eris.

Edited by krawinoff
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Cool theme, but i dont think everything it does would have any impact. There are frames that heal way easier. Direct buff to power strength could have an effect for some frames (idk), there are buffers as well, without any special conditions to maintain.

Maybe i am missing something, gotta say I have rhino fever since 2013, so my opinions are worthless LUL.


Abilities (I'm not sure about the names):

heh, i like that one named Spider Protection, which is in fact spider armor, that grant no armor, but power strength and energy gain.

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18 minutes ago, GumShot said:

Cool theme, but i dont think everything it does would have any impact. There are frames that heal way easier. Direct buff to power strength could have an effect for some frames (idk), there are buffers as well, without any special conditions to maintain.

Maybe i am missing something, gotta say I have rhino fever since 2013, so my opinions are worthless LUL.

heh, i like that one named Spider Protection, which is in fact spider armor, that grant no armor, but power strength and energy gain.

Idk why I called it protection, probably because I'm dumb, but I kinda wanted it to be a protecting ability at first, but then I decided that Gibel shouldn't have too much armor from buffs, so I just made it regenerative. I guess I should add some kind of armor buff for warframes for kills too. Anyway, thank for your comment, I'm glad you liked it, even if just a little. I'm planning on making spiders from the last ability an ability buffers actually. +25% power strength and +50% power range will be pretty good, I hope. At least I don't think this idea of warframe will be useless forever, because I'm still waiting for that Trinity nerf (probably I shouldn't :sadcry:). And don't say that your opinion is wrong because you play Rhino a lot. My favourite warframe is Mag, so I love playing trash warframes, this is just my dream of a new lord of trash. 

Edited by krawinoff
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P.S. I actually wanted to make this warframe mostly because I don't like the fact that Health Conversion is trash useful only for Nekros. And I also wanted to make a warframe that creates a possibility of using both conversion mods in one build.

Edited by krawinoff
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