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Infestation Themed Warframe


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I wanted to work on a shape-shifting warframe concept and decided that it would be best served utilizing the Infestation for lore purposes. stats could be average like Excalibur's. Heres the power list:


25> spores - The tenno releases a dense cloud of toxic spores that reduces enemy vison and deals a small ammount of damage over time.
50> Infest - the tenno infects and enemy with the Orokin plague virus changing any Grineer or Corpus soldier into an Infested under the Tennos control. Does high damage to Infested targets by accelerating cellular decomposition. No effect to non-bilogical targets.
75> shape-shift - The pliabilty of the virus infused in the tennos warframe allows him to take the shape of the nearest biological enemy/corpse. No timer. Attacking or parkouring will end the effect.
100> Disrupt - Drain enemy shields and put all enemy abilities on a small cooldown. No-effect on non-biological targets.
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Lore-wise, I'd be confused after playing Dark Sector. Hayden Tenno was a normal human who was infected by the Technocyte Virus and gained a metal/organic skin as well as his Glaive.

While the concept seems somewhat cool, I'd prefer seeing something else with more original abilities.

As Pandas mentioned, this is a mix of Saryn and Nyx. with different animations.

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