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Question For The F2P'ers, From A Grandmaster


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Can't say I disagree with more openness. So long as it's done in a sensible way, of course.




On a side note, there's a lot of stereotyping that goes around when it comes to Masters/Grandmasters that needs to stop. Really hope the members of the community (whether they are a vocal minority or otherwise)  that think that all Ms/GMs are "spoiled rich kids" or some such garbage would pull their heads out of whichever orifice they feel so attached to. I shouldn't have to prove that I wanted to support the game.

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Can't say I disagree with more openness. So long as it's done in a sensible way, of course.




On a side note, there's a lot of stereotyping that goes around when it comes to Masters/Grandmasters that needs to stop. Really hope the members of the community (whether they are a vocal minority or otherwise)  that think that all Ms/GMs are "spoiled rich kids" or some such garbage would pull their heads out of whichever orifice they feel so attached to. I shouldn't have to prove that I wanted to support the game.

Unfortunately you are in the vast minority of grand/masters who paid money just to have more power than the rest of the users. Its great that you paid to support the game instead of circle jerk with the crowd, but it's hard to say with a straight face that most of the other design council members on the forums share the same sentiments. Especially when a lot of posts like the ones in this topic are all over these forums.

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personally i have no problem not being able to vote in the design counsel (although if i had the money i would already be in it ) but i do wish that i was able to have read only access to the forums 

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This has probably been said before by others, but personally... my only issue with the design council is that it is entirely limited to those who have paid the most.


Not to people who have paid. Not to those who have supported the game by paying.


But to those, exclusively, who have paid almost £100.


 I shouldn't have to prove that I wanted to support the game.


And we shouldn't have to be classified as "not supporting the game, and being undeserving of design council access" just because we couldn't afford to blow almost £100 on a single game during its beta. Because that's what's implied by the current system.


I have 7 Warframes, and 4 pages of weapon slots. I've played the game for hundreds of hours, and I have showed my support by buying as much plat as I could afford. Yet, players like me are deliberately kept out of the loop, even though the purpose of the design council is player feedback, and player feedback from any experienced player is valuable.


Now, don't get me wrong; I'm not hugely worked up over this. DE have demonstrated that they do listen to the wider Warframe community, and have a presence on the open forums... which is impressive, considering how small a team they are. But the current system is a bit wrong.


And, human nature being what it is, it does create feelings of entitlement and resentment, and this aint healthy.

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Why were you buying the master pack for the ego-stroking benefits instead of to support the game anyway? DE can change S#&$ however they want because its still their game. If they wanted to face the outrage and utterly disband the founder program and remove the exclusive bonuses from the game, they're under no contract to give people their money back at all.


What I'm getting at is, maybe you should found a game to support it instead of to get a bigger epeen?


Unfortunately you are in the vast minority of grand/masters who paid money just to have more power than the rest of the users. Its great that you paid to support the game instead of circle jerk with the crowd, but it's hard to say with a straight face that most of the other design council members on the forums share the same sentiments. Especially when a lot of posts like the ones in this topic are all over these forums.


Dude you have real issues. "have more power"? "ego stroking" and "epeens"?


Wow. You have problems.


And I bought founder packs because I wanted to support the game and because I wanted the exclusive gear that came with it. If you think that spending 100$ on a game (+50$ for a hunter pack for a friend) isn't supporting the devs, then that's your problem.


you have a really warped view of founder packages and design council, and it sounds like you have some sort of personal problem with it. How about you leave your baggage at home instead of trying to bait an endless flaming argument?


I said something very simple.


OP is suggesting that design council be open to all. I said that there is no need for this because of two reasons:


1) everything gets leaked immediately anyway

2) people paid money for an "exclusive" service


And then I said that in reference to others saying to open all design council polls to the general forums would be wrong and make many clients like myself want my money back.


You can get morally outraged and spout all the "its their game they can do what they want" until your satisfied and content. But that doesn't change the reality that if you sell a product, which in this case is an "exclusive" service if you then change product or take away from it you are indeed entitled to a refund. Their own policy which we have to agree to before playing says the exact same thing. "they can change whatever they want to the game, but they have to refund whatever product or service they remove/change etc in terms of real world money value, platinum etc.)


Not only would DE do this, but I myself can authorize this with my credit card company. In case you don't know, simply by calling and providing documentation to your credit card company on a payment you made for a service that wasn't rendered or other type of fraud/incomplete purchase, the credit card company will refund your money within 24-48 business hours as well as block any and all transaction requests from the selling company involved.


I suggest you calm down, there's no need to take this so personally.


It worries me that you talk about things like "having more power" etc....that's a completely ridiculous way to look at it.

Edited by LuxAngel7
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To be fair man, in spite of your indignation there, you did say such things as:


"So what you're proposing is that DE blatantly come out and say something that basically amounts to "we know we sold you this product for these two benefits, but because of "reasons" we're going to make one of those officially available to public free of charge."



Thus placing your emphasis on the notion that you paid for perks and privilage, and if your privilaged status were to change, M/GMs would feel cheated.


And as much as you're telling someone to calm down, you did rather rattle the cage by saying:


"If people don't want to "risk" having leaked information "colored" then they can just buy a master pack."


Which is tantamount to saying "Suck it up"



To clarify, judging by your own words, you do give the impression that you're treating the status as an extra product in itself, whose potential change in nature would anger people on a consumer basis.


And that perceived product, this privilaged status, is... put crudely... an elongated epeen. It is power, plain and simple.




Besides, you got a pile of plat and unique items. Are you really saying that your status is worth that much of what you paid?

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