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Engineer/support Warframe


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this warframe has no offensive ability's just support ability's the only ability of his that does offense is his combat drone which runs around and attacks enemy's until it dies it always stays close to you this warframe its best used on defense mobile defense and long boss battles





Health 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30) Power 150.0 (225.0 at rank 30) Armor 50.0 Shield Capacity 100.0 (300.0 at rank 30) Sprint Speed 1.00




1.Locked and loaded  Cost to equip of 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 energy cost 35
replenish 10% ammo for you and your allies

2. Aegis shield  Cost to equip of 4 / 5 / 6 / 7  energy cost 50
puts up a aegis bubble shield that reduces all damage taken by 10% and increase all damage done by 10% for 10 seconds for you and all allies in the shielded area enemys that enter the shield area shocked for 40 damage every 2-3 seconds they are in the shielded area


3.charged and ready to go  Cost to equip of 6 / 7 / 8 / 9 energy cost 60
makes allies only regenerate energy at 10 points per second for 5 seconds and replenishes 40 shields per second for every one for 5 seconds

4.Tenno prototype assault drone mk1  hp 300 shields 300 energy cost 150 Cost to equip of 10 / 11 / 12 / 13


the tenno know they can not win this war alone so they devolved there own combat drones to help with the front line fighting when stealth is not a option teleports in a prototype combat drone armed with a braton assault rifle dual aklato pistols and scindo battle axe


ability's are self repair regenerates 20 hp points per second for 10 seconds uses when low on hp


whirlwind the assault drone takes his axe and swings it around create a whirlwind of blade attacks deals 200-300 damage and knocks back weak mobs only becomes activated when the drone is  in melee range


suppressive fire the assault drone lays down suppressive fire giving you a chance to retreat or advance


(NOTE what this does is keep enemy's in cover during the duration of the ability so they cant advance or move around they are stuck in cover or run to it while this ability is active ) only works on all grinner units and corpus crewman deals 200 damage max to enemy's hit and forces them to stay in cover only used when in ranged combat does not ignore armor

feel free to comment but keep it respectful

Edited by Archangelzz
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*cough Vauban-King of the Trolls *cough*


How will this work for solo players?


Also the abilities sound stereotype to other games.

lol its not supposed to be for soloing its more of a team warframe for party's i can tweak the ability's a bit to support solo players i guess and if you have better ideas for ability's say em if they look good and go with the warframe then ill put them in and give you credit for them or were you just talking about the ability's names?

Edited by Archangelzz
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lol its not supposed to be for soloing its more of a team warframe for party's i can tweak the ability's a bit to support solo players i guess and if you have better ideas for ability's say em if they look good and go with the warframe then ill put them in and give you credit for them

The game itself is meant to be solo friendly and team friendly. Also some of these abilities are able to be used from auroas or whatever, also some other frame abilities, such a trinity.

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The game itself is meant to be solo friendly and team friendly. Also some of these abilities are able to be used from auroas or whatever, also some other frame abilities, such a trinity.

ya you are right it is hard though coming up with ability's that aren't already used in some way though as far as i know though there is not a ammo giving ability in the game yet or a drone of any kind but i can see were charged and ready to go and aegis shield are similar to already existing ability's also i modified locked and loaded so that it gives the caster ammo as well the assault drone though i like the way he is not sure what to do with ability's 2 and 3 though

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