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{Warframe Concept} Vex (Or, In Layman's Terms, Loki Ii)


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It seems that everyone is focusing more and more on dps, dps, dps. There are frames other than Loki with non-DPS abilities, but Loki is one of my favorite solo and teamplay frames -because- of his versatility in every situation. Invis in? Good for positioning. Invis out? Lifesaving. Radial disarm is a champion against packs of Grineer or Corpus crewmen. Decoy has been a staple for t1/t2 defense for ages. Switch Teleport's the only one I don't get much use out of.


BUT enough tangentializing. I present to you, a (different, but equally effective) combat control frame.




Vex is the "prototype" name I just came up with, 'cause, y'know, in any multiplayer game there's bound to be a character or skillset which mostly just causes annoyances to the enemy team. With so many "caster DPS" frames out now, it's worth having another alongside Loki, whom I am using as a base model.


His HP and Shields values would linger around 60 / 100 at level 1, moving a bit more focus on dipping in and out of combat. At max level, he'd come out to 180 / 300. Armor would be the low of lows, 10. In essence, the same as other casters, rather than 50. His energy, of course, would level it out, sitting on the high end (150 base, again matching the casters).


His tentative skillset, you say? How would he "control battlefields?"


His "1", or "Q" depending on your background: Ghoulish Noise. For a measly 25 energy, you summon up your prestidigitous trickery in the form of a small bolt, which upon impact with a solid object (including enemies), emits a "Hey, look over here, idgits!"-esque call, causing enemies to (if unalerted and in range) investigate, or (alerted, at a much smaller range) stumble in shock at this new possible threat behind their lines. This would, of course, open more possibilities for stealth play (make your targets turn their back to a fully-charged Paris kill) yet still provide some sort of usability in Defense modes with its small-range stun effect and momentary cease-fire.


Numero dos, "W": Confetti Bomb, or Loot Bomb. For 50 energy, load an enemy (yes, an enemy) with goodies, such as credits or ammo or whatever you Devs would consider feasible (Personally, I'd like to see it raise mod drop chance. Just me, though.). Killing said enemy has a much higher, if not 100%, chance of dropping said goodies. Beware, however, as this newfound prince among paupers will attract poorer sods.


Power the third, also known as "E": Tagalong. See that buddy of yours getting all the attention from the enemy? Don't you wish you were too? Well, with this 50 energy ability, put yourself in his shoes. Well, about a metre from his shoes, but fret not: you're that much closer to being the life of the party. Teleports you to an allied Tenno (no, not you, Stalker.) for a short time with both of you taking 50% of the other Tenno's incoming damage rather than its intended target. Of course, vexing as this frame is, it sends you (or your ally, perchance. Let us allow the RNG to decide.) rebounding to the location you cast it from after 20+ seconds. 20/20/30/40, anyone?


The ultimate vexing power, "4" or "R": Flight of Fancy. 100 energy gets you, or a(n un)willing target 10+ seconds of hilarity. Mod stuck on the ceiling? Float up and grab it, then swoop down on some health orbs. That Shock Moa threesome stunlocking you in perfect sync? Put one on the ceiling, probably resulting in your premeditated floating up to said ceiling. On enemies, invert gravity (possibly with fatal consequences). On allies (or yourself, lacking a better target) you grant the power of true flight, placing them in a "go the true direction you're facing rather than left/right/forward/back", 100% freedom of movement state (meaning, of course, immunity to knockdowns, staggers, rollers, nervos...) But, this all comes at a price. Fly too near the sun and burst into flames, as some might say. Going too far up means having to come much further, much faster down. Intro fall damage, stage yes.


I began mulling the idea for a new combat control frame as I drove home from a night on the town, only to log in and toss it at the Internet as soon as I reached said destination. Little to no thought, other than my drive home, was put into it, but I would ask that since this be my first attempt at actually adding content, rather than just paying for it, you (the Internet) do nasty things to it in a manner that seems less... Nasty.


PS: I have no clue what this fumblebuck of a 'Frame would look like, though I'm guessing far more jester-ish than Loki with his new hat I mean helmet.

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If you consider the context, per se, of "space ninjas", true ninjas came from all walks of life, including but not limited to entertainers. At any rate, I'm sure tweaks could be made to make it more... aesthetically applicable to the game, but I stand by it concept-wise.

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If you consider the context, per se, of "space ninjas", true ninjas came from all walks of life, including but not limited to entertainers. At any rate, I'm sure tweaks could be made to make it more... aesthetically applicable to the game, but I stand by it concept-wise.

True, true, though we do already have our Jester part covered with Loki, so I am not seeing this kinda frame really flourishing. Not that its a bad idea, but only because this frame is kinda... random ^_^;

I would see a big problem if you arent in a teamspeak. Suddenly levitating could spark some confusement.

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True, true, though we do already have our Jester part covered with Loki, so I am not seeing this kinda frame really flourishing. Not that its a bad idea, but only because this frame is kinda... random ^_^;

I would see a big problem if you arent in a teamspeak. Suddenly levitating could spark some confusement.

my point being we lack more "passive" or manipulator frames, whereas the tanky, caster, and melee frame list is continuing to grow. I recently read an article on another MOBA game with the opinion that nobody enjoys playing support. That's not totally true - there are people that enjoy playing good supports.

And to counterpoint your spark of confusement, Vortex, Bounce, Switch Teleport. It would just be an additional reason to pay attention to your team composition. They have that intro "drop-in" cinematic just for PUGs.

I'm actually glad someone at all posted comment on the thing. Even on Facebook I barely post since everyone is busy, not reading, but posting their own nonsense. also, free bumps, all the while positively affecting the vision of it.

And so, I pose a question to you, Sylvy, with your fancy danglybitz Loki avatar... What, if any, changes would you make to it to make it less unfeasible?

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