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Nova, Op Or Just Right? The Furture Of Aoe Frames.


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1: Perfect. The only people I really see complaining about Nova are the ones that either don't have her, or are used to playing Saryn and getting all of the kills. In short, one group is jealous, and the other group doesn't like that someone can steal their thunder now.


2: The frames don't all need to be on the same level. They have different roles for a reason. Rhino doesn't need huge AOE abilities, nor does Excalibur, or any of the other non-DPS frames. Rhino's job is to take damage so his teammates don't have to, and keep enemies busy while his buddies pick them off, occasionally stepping in to take on a heavy enemy one-on-one, since they can't do a whole lot to him. Likewise, Excalibur is there to take on small groups of enemies, as that's his role. As it is, Nova really isn't that powerful outside of defense missions. She can't take on a boss with her abilities, unless you have your entire squad pump everything they have into Antimatter Drop, and wasting Molecular Prime on anything short of a horde, which you'll ONLY get on the defense missions, is just...a waste.


3: Saryn, for sure. I hate it when she has to go, but I love watching her leave.

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For bringing other frames "to nova's power" I think it's less a manner of buffing because nova's OP, but rather reworking other frames. Because Nova is focused on what she does and does it good. She blows things up, she blows them up well.

Lets take saryn for example, she is an organic/toxic frame, except most of her skills aren't really that good and most saryn users just spam miasma as an AOE kill. I really would like to see a rework of saryn to emphasis the poisonous and organic nature of this frame and take her from a press 4 to kill sort of monster into something more. Her 1 is an interesting skill but it's way too finnicky to be of much real use, especially if you aren't the host and molt is just an inferior decoy plus I've never met anyone who used her melee enchant skill.

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Personally, I haven't had this much fun with a warframe as I have with Nova. Volt comes a close second for me though.



Nova should be the standard for warframe powers. Sure she can destroy everything with her powers but she's a fair bit squishier than other warframes too. Her powers are interesting, and have more interaction to them than "push button, watch stuff go boom" which is the best step DE have taken to warframe power development thus far. 



She should not be nerfed. She may be buffed, I will allow that :P But if people wish to cry about how OP she is. Well. The other warframes should be brought up in line to her standards of butt kickery.



What buffs would I like to see? Hmm....well, on the same topic I'd like to see more player interaction with their powers than push da button. It would be nice if say Mag's bullet attractor not only attracted enemy and allied fire, but you can choose to "burst" the bullet attractor bubble and launch shrapnel away from your target and do damage to enemies surrounding the BA mob, but with the caveat that the radial damage is firing away from your initial target and does no damage to them. Maybe Saryn can place a version of miasma on her molt that does the same damage but over time in a moderate area around the molt. Stuff like that, players interacting with their powers, player's powers interacting with their powers - or even better, with other players powers. Make the hurricane winds of snow globe create a firestorm with ember's fire blast or world on fire that surrounds players inside the snowglobe, giving damage mitigation and a small aoe fire damage tick.




Which one would I take out on a date? Mmmm.....Mag? She seems easy to pull. *Badum tiss*

Edited by J-Pax
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Doesn't matter much that she is squishier than some other frames if she can kill everything before it reaches her.

It appears that frames with less powerful attack skills get swarmed more quickly than Nova, and then their survivability is not much better than Nova's.

Consensus seems to be that yes, Nova is more powerful than other frames, it's just that most people who have Nova call that "fun" rather than OP.

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Its interesting how all threads here have to be started with a peace sign, otherwise they get lept on like hungry wolves. *Waits for "Welcome to the internet" response*.


Anyway, looking from a non-nova owning player she does seem a little OP from a endless defence view. Although the gameplay should not just be viewed from endless defence, in other game mode she comes out pretty much even in my opinion.

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I think Nova is just right. Yes, she is powerfull, but dies fairly easy.


Kind of like a glass cannon.

I am enjoying her more than Mag and Vauban put together. Just a fun frame.


Plus racking up like a billion kills at the end of a mission makes me feel all tingly :-)

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was it cause her big.....um...nevermind. >>

 Her big leg warmers. That and her damage are the only two big things about her >.>

1) Not OP, but touching the line of being OP. She's certainly top tier, a la Vauban, but fills the role of Volt 2.0 very well, especially considering Volt's current status of not acting as advertised.

2) Straight buffs? Nobody really needs one of those. A handful of Frames could use some rework so that they act as advertised, rather than the current "Lets make the take also be able to support, the DPS can also tank, and the stealth is also a defensive CC" sentiment that the DEs seem to enjoy. (Attempting to avoid Frames "falling into" set roles, despite the fact that making them featured characters should specifically do that.)

3) Ember, because reasons.

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i mean for all of the warframes.

from top to bottom the survival rate of them, with maxed skill+maxed redirection+maxed vitality-all weapons+ environment advantages


sry for the off-topic, someone says nova is squishy. unless someone list the survival rate of all warframe in PvE excluding stalker, i say loki is the weakest.

Assuming you're playing properly and trying to survive without killing things.


Nova - Nothing and squishy

Banshee - Knockback, less squishy.

Mag - Bullet attractor in a group can save a bunch of bullets, her ult stuns, less squishy.

Excalibur - Radial blind, can leap/dash away, less squishy

Saryn - Molt and tanky

Vaub -  Invincible, but only at short range.

Volt - Shield will save you from anything far away and speed will let you run from anything nearby. Shock also stuns most things.

Ash - Invis for like 12 seconds, teleport away from things, multi makes you invisible for a bit.

Nyx - No explanation needed.

Frost - Invincible from anything far away, Ult aoe stuns, freeze stuns 1 dude, tanky.

Loki - Invis for like 17 seconds, aggro rip on decoy, radial disarm is hax, teleport out of combat

Ember - 90% damage reduction

Rhino - Tanky as crap, good stun.  Depending on level of enemy you could swap with ember.

Trinity -  Only frame in the game capable of being invincible 100% of the time.  Difficult to do, though.



This is just my assessment, other people have different ideas.  All frame's survivability is pretty much 0% vs laser beams, though (except if trinity happens to be near a bajillion enemies).


Edit: I might add, Loki is probably the only frame I would run all the abilities.  Most others just dont need it.

Edited by MeteorKing
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That Nova skill so damn strong, she can take a hole wave on xini, look like she dont have power range for her skill.


But i think she like other frame when they were released. Mean first time very strong(maybe it beta) to make you buy it then other update they fix it, fix it and... you can look on the banshee and saryn like a lesson.


PS: sorry my bad English.

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1. How do you feel about Nova's power potential as of now?

Just right, I think she does what she is meant to do and does it well

2. What kind of buffs would you like to see other frames get to match powers like Nova?

All I would like to see is have abilities be percentage based so that they can scale into the later parts of the game without breaking early game. IS percentage of armor, kill abilities like crush, miasma, WoF being percentage based as well etc etc.

3. If you'd go out for dinner and a movie with any warframe which would it be? (optional to answer. lol)

No idea....split second decision says Nova

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this game really depends on power over skill or is it?, example


-A get nova with plats leveling it up till 30.

-B playing loki from the begining and only depends the dmg on his/her weapon.


both met in xini defense mission

after finishing wave 10 the result comes out, 100 kills for nova and 5 kills on loki.


you know what went wrong here?

the A using his power with less effort but got more kills than B with more effort, in a competitive way Nova is overpowered and needs nerf. in a logical way "B" is dumb, why bring a stealthy warframe to a total mayhem needs mission? he/she either use the wrong frame or the wrong weapons. DE give player warframe slots for a reason. . . so the player can solve that kind of problem with different kind of weapon and frame.

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1. How do you feel about Nova's power potential as of now?

I love it, personally. I'll be the first to admit that I am one hell of a sucky player, but I love this game, so I'm always trying to find a warframe that's easy enough for me to use, but effective enough that I don't have 4 kills at the end of the mission (Yes, that has actually happened. ><) and Nova does exactly that for me.

2. What kind of buffs would you like to see other frames get to match powers like Nova?

I'm not sure exactly, but Nyx's Chaos is kinda useless because there have been times where I'd have a lot more kills than they counted because "technically" Nyx isn't the one doing the killing, but if that's the case, why is her shadow "controlling" the enemies? Just something to think about.

3. If you'd go out for dinner and a movie with any warframe which would it be? (optional to answer. lol)

I don't really know... None of the Male warframes are really my type, so, I'd have to have a chick-night with Nyx and Nova.(:

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I think the biggest problem is people are assuming that all Warframes fill the same role, which anyone that has been playing for a while will know is false. Nova is amazing since she brings great DPS to high level content and is extremely helpful in clearing large packs of mobs. It seems to me that some players may not understand that the Warframes are set into 3 different categories: Tank, DPS, and Support. Because of this, a Rhino, which is a tank, will not out DPS a DPS specific Warframe like Nova, at least it would make sense. The reason the "Nova is OP" issue comes up is because all the other DPS, or at least AOE DPS, Warframes have been nerfed into the ground and aren't all that special anymore due to the inability to truly hold their weight, or the people I have seen playing them are garbage. Nova is powerful, as a DPS Warframe should be, but is incredibly squishy compared to a lot of other Warframes which, in my opinion, offsets the amount of DPS it puts out. If a Nova is attempting to tank and run into the middle of mob packs like an action hero, that player is playing it completely wrong and it will get destroyed. When you have Rhino being a top DPS Warframe even though its a tank, something is very wrong. If the devs actually decided to balance out the Warframes so they fit more into their specialized roles, it would be a lot more apparent that most of the hate on frames like Nova is people making a mountain out of a molehill.

And to answer OP's questions:

1. How do you feel about Nova's power potential as of now?

I believe Nova is where all the other AOE Warframes need to be. It is meant to be a DPS frame so it should out perform all the other non DPS frames.

2. What kind of buffs would you like to see other frames get to match powers like Nova?

All AOE Warframes buffed up to the same level as Nova. Most of the Warframes can be used as DPS even though they are not designed to. I would definitely say Rhino Stomp's effect needs to last longer, but the damage is a little much for a Tank, Vauban's Vortex needs a hefty damage reduction with a boost to range and length, Banshee needs a massive buff all the way around, but mainly a boost to Sonar so the weak spots are easier to see, Frost's Avalanche needs damage reduction with boost to range as well as change the mechanic to any enemies not killed by the power should be frozen for several seconds giving it more CC capability. Finally, I might be wrong, but I believe Nova's Molecular Prime is bugged and the mechanic needs to be adjusted. Nova gets credit for the kills, but not the damage if Nova doesn't cause the chain reaction. This should be changed to whoever sets off the chain reaction should get the kill and damage credit.

I'm not sure I agree with your stance on Molecular Prime... That's Nova's Ult,the same as Banshee, or Nyx or any of the other frames, especially Vauban, and just like the people using Banshee/Nyx/Saryn/Vauban/etc, the player should get the kills that their Ult causes.There's been many, many, many times where I was in a Mobile Defense mission and got very, very few kills because of a Vauban throwing Teslas all over the place, and he doesn't even need to be in the general area to receive those kills. Both of those frames are great on Defense Missions, but kinda get balanced out during "regular" missions.

My main point is, that if you think Nova needs nerfed, what do you think of Vauban? Those Teslas have stolen waayyy more kills from me in one mission than a Nova's Prime has.

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I think she's perfectly balanced with the way they are reworking all the frames. No changes needed. 

The reworked Mag and Volt are totally on par with Nova.




I have to admit that I really like playing her and Vauban. She's a crapload of fun - too bad that most of the other frames are not holding up to that level.

Edited by 101blubb
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The reworked Mag and Volt are totally on par with Nova.




I have to admit that I really like playing her and Vauban. She's a crapload of fun - too bad that most of the other frames are not holding up to that level.

I don't have a mag, so idk. I do have a rank 26 Volt though (and unpotato'd at that) and I don't have any problems with it. Maybe they need another buff then.

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