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Faction Idea.


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The rebellion;

All soldiers from hard working factions, driven by something to betray,

These soldiers wish to end not just the Tenno but the corpus an grinneer alike.

I think this would be are ally cool faction where they sorta have grinneer gallons spray painted all over,

Moas turned on there side also covered in there paint of color,

And then this bosses for example:

Fury, and riptide

Fury and riptide infamous captains of the rebellion,

Fight these two at once or fail trying.


Tenno one of us are even joining this rebellion stop this,

Before more turn,

Using scrap pieces of armour by dead Tenno he has some the the abillities of rhino frost nova and sayrn.

Concept art soon.

Please feel free to insert more ideas.

Edited by ShadowTrojan
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hmm... *grimace*  idea is ok, but doubt it would work.


a tenno betrayal? thats basically making another stalker but with different ability. agreeable, but wouldnt it be better to include the stalker into the rebel faction instead of making a new one as the Stalker works for anyone except the Tenno force. he's basically a merc, a gun for hire. so the rebel force would use him.


corpus and grineer together? i dont think it would work. grineer rebellion would be more likely to work. refer to E3 PS4 trailer where Vor knocks out another grineer leader at the start as they were arguing about who kills the tenno in stasis. that leader that gets beaten down by Vor, returns on revenge against Vor, the grineer faction, corpus faction and tennos.

corpus betrayal??? not likely. possible but pretty much unlikely.
Edited by asurako989
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hmm... *grimace*  idea is ok, but doubt it would work.


a tenno betrayal? thats basically making another stalker but with different ability. agreeable, but wouldnt it be better to include the stalker into the rebel faction instead of making a new one as the Stalker works for anyone except the Tenno force. he's basically a merc, a gun for hire. so the rebel force would use him.


corpus and grineer together? i dont think it would work. grineer rebellion would be more likely to work. refer to E3 PS4 trailer where Vor knocks out another grineer leader at the start as they were arguing about who kills the tenno in stasis. that leader that gets beaten down by Vor, returns on revenge against Vor, the grineer faction, corpus faction and tennos.

corpus betrayal??? not likely. possible but pretty much unlikely.


well its a thought that can be modified

Edited by ShadowTrojan
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