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[Recruitment Open] Beyond Midnight Evolution (One Year+ Experienced Clan!)


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Firstly, if you are new to Warframe, welcome to the clans section :D
Many players wonder why they should join a clan, since Warframe can be played and finished the ‘clan-less’ way, by public games (Online) or Solo mode.



So this is basically what clans can offer:
1. Mission help
2. Dojo facilities
3. Clan chat
4. A community

You can get help easily from clan members instead of relentlessly asking in the Region chat for help but not getting any. Also, you can gain access to a clan Dojo with interesting facilities such as the duel and parkour rooms. The clan research weapons are fun and useful too.

And this is what we can offer:
1. Everything above
2. A warm, friendly environment (we love to chat in TS)
3. Teamspeak
4. Fun (we're a frisky, playful and slightly deranged bunch)

Warframe by itself is already fun enough, but as you play, it gets more repetitive and you might find it boring eventually. Hence, clans will be a good alternative to satisfy your need for fun. Beyond Midnight Evolution strives to foster a fun and friendly environment for our members so that when a member gets bored of the gameplay, they still have the clan to have fun with.

Who are we?


We are an international clan which started since Feb 2013 and have been recruiting since then (with occasional pauses to better organize ourselves). Like our name, we usually play beyond midnight and since we have players from all over the world, we don't have much of a timezone problem. 


We have now moved into the Storm Tier. We have all old and new, casual and competitive players in the clan, willing to help newer players out.


Who do we want?


Newcomers and veterans alike who are:
- Willing to participate and learn
- Always ready to lend a hand to less experienced clanmates
- Chatty, active folks, not those who are constantly asking for help (We will certainly help if you need it! Also a tip here, please do get to know the clan members first before asking for help, so that they know they are helping a friend and not a stranger)


Goals and Rules:


What are our goals?


To be one of the best clans in Warframe, a second home accommodating to every Tenno.
Also, to nurture new Warframe players and guide them towards the right path and get the most out of the game!

What are the rules?


1. Respect your clanmates, mutual understanding is key
2. Don't be a toxic troll
3. Be reasonably active, log in once every 21 days (of course, we understand if you have real-life obligations that you need to attend to, in which case please post in the LOA section of the clansite forums)

How do I join?


Step 1: Meet the above requirements
Step 2: Make sure you are not in a clan or have pending invites
Step 3: Reply with your IGN in this thread to indicate your interest
Step 4: Sign up at our clansite and fill out the application form ('>http://beyondmidnight.org/join-us/)

Our Clan Emblem:



The Lotus Is In Another Castle


consisting of:


Beyond Midnight Evolution



New Lunar Alliance




Bacon Fun Times




PM any of the leaders in the alliance for a treaty!

Feel free to post any queries related to our clan recruitment here :)

Beyond Midnight has evolved. We're now more than a year old! BM may be dead, but the BM spirit forever lives within us as we evolve. RIP, Beyond Midnight. Strive forth, Beyond Midnight Evolution.

Original Post


*Improvement in progress*

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Oh hey, are we going to disregard the original BM thread? So I can update the link as well in the Warframe PH forums/FB page.


Nope, we will still recruit from both threads. This was created because Jabby has school and is busy, so he wont be able to update the OP as often as before. 


You can also invite them, from either threads, just quote them, indicating that you've sent an invite so that there wont be double invites :)

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I wish to join! :D You won't mind even if I'm a casual player at best?


Ign: DatGuyPerson


Hooray! Finally, you've made the right choice in joining us. :)


I'll see you again in an upcoming Warframe PH event/tournament, yes?

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