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I appreciate nuanced Hek


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I have always felt the Grineer lack a certain amount of personality, especially Vay Hek who spends his life shouting. But there was this wonderful moment for me I wanted to share- when Vay Hek sees the Teralyst, rise up, whoever voices his lines delivered it spot on:


For a brief moment I felt like Vay Hek had genuinely experienced an emotion other than hatred and anger. Like he was feeling something genuinely new to him- the sensation of beauty. Which is why his next line made me burst out laughing-


Because that's the most Hekiest response I think I have ever seen from Vay Hek. A weird thing to say because he is like that all the time.


Its a tiny point but one I really appreciate: Characters which are "on" all the time come across almost as a parody of themselves. Up until that point I was always wondering what was wrong with Vay Hek. However seeing that he is capable of experiencing other emotions- but that his reaction to them is always an expression of hatred and anger explains his "always on, always shouting" persona. It's not that he is literally one dimensional, he is just essentially incapable of expressing himself through anything other than a lens of unrefined Grineer hatred.

And you know, that's fine. I'm not asking for us to go on a long emotional exploration with Grineer bosses to see a complete character arc that ends with them finally summoning the courage to go back to the original cloning pod that birthed them and tell it they were disappointed that it was never constructed to be a mother as well as a cloning pod. 

But that's not to say I don't really appreciate little glimpses of depth that show up the distinction between human and alien. "ITS BEAUTIFUL... KILL IT!" - brilliantly highlights the similarities and differences between humans and the quasi-human clones of the Grineer.

More lines like that one please! 

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