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How Do We Play Video Games


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My name is Isaiah Jones and I'm a student currently taking a Research Methods class in Psychology at Grossmont College. As part of this class I'm required to conduct a research project. I am interested in exploring the relationship between a video game, it's community, the player's overall experience and enjoyment. Keep in mind, this survey is specifically interested in the context of Video Games.
If you could please help me by taking and/or sharing my survey, it would be greatly appreciated!

UPDATE: We have reached over 1,000 responses in less than 5 days! Thank you for your support, but due to data analysis, we will be closing this survey to further submissions.

In pursuit for representation for all our volunteers, our "other" options have indeed been attacked by memes. Especially those of the helicopter variety. Do not fret too much however (or perhaps rejoice?), as research methods has ways to deal with faulty (and meme) data submissions.

Thank you all again for your support and interest. If you have any questions about our results, you can check back with this thread/forum (where you found our link) in a few months when the project is finalized.

Edited by (PS4)imObvioslycrazy
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