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New Warframe Idea Ittar


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Name: Ittar


Ability 1: Decoy


Ability 2: Heist- replaces this ability spot for the entire level with one ally's ability. Upgrades increase what level ability is when taken (does not work on every ability such as Rhino's Iron Skin, and most of Trinity's abilities).


Ability 3: Jinx- Decreases the amour of an enemy slightly for a short time. Upgrades increase how long this effect lasts.


Ability 4: Displace- Exchanges some of your health for higher shield capacity when used. Upgrades increase both the health taken, and the shield capacity increase, the final level leaving you with 1 HP.


Speed: Moderate


Shields: Smaller capacity than all the other warframes.


Health: Larger amount than most other warframes.


This is just a cool Idea I thought of, taking Ideas of Mark of Death, one of Zer0's skills from Borderlands 2, and from the Phantom in Maplestory. This would be an advanced class mostly for support, and to help you when none of your weapons or abilities are as good as your allies. Would help you and your team survive without directly healing anyone.

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I don't see why people think this would be so useless... and Loki isn't the only character with a decoy skill I seems whoever wrote that doesn't realize that Saryn's shed skin is pretty much the same. Did anyone even really read the skills? How is it useless that you can take most people's skills and weaken the enemies, you could take AOE skills from other warframes and use them for yourself against  the enemies you weakened, maybe this would be useful if you need to escape a boss's attacks, or if you're in defense mode, and need someone else's skills to help you survive. Also displace can be used to any extent you wan't you don't have to have 1HP and high shields, you can have just a little more shields depending on what level you keep it at. These comments are useless and not thought out at all, not he character I suggested...


This warframe is like a theif, they steal stuff and use the right moment to strike, they make sure they have the upper hand then kill their enemy, which I thought would sound good in a game about ninja robots, but apparently not.

Edited by Zer0TheNinja
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