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Well, Here Goes My Idea- Boss Concept In Here!


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I haven't really thought of a name and I’m not going to go overboard  but I just kind of want to see a more variety in bosses. I feel like they offer no real challenge, though with some exceptions that have kind of a phase system such as Vor and krill. But for the sake of making things easy, I’m just going to call this idea boss Tenno throughout the description. I can’t really think of a good name for him though.


Please keep in mind this is not a warframe concept but a boss concept.


Name: Infested tenno (throughout he will be called...tenno)

The idea- Well, I'm sure over the many many tenno there are, I'm sure some fall to infested, being overrun yada yada well the idea comes here one that becomes infested and manages to become strong enough to become something more then a mindless husk and capable of using tenno abilities (will go into it further down).


Weapon- Infested Bolts- Functions like a bolter in a sense, an organic machine gun capable of inflicting a small amount of poison damage when struck


Alternate weapon- Tentacle whip- functions as a whip sword with a wide arc, capable of hitting multiple enemies. Has a medium range



Power 1- Charge- Tenno charges forward dealing damage to anything caught within its path.


Power 2- Miasma- Unleashes a toxic wave, heavily damaging anything caught within the blast radius, also inflicting poison over time. Has a 3 second wind up time before casting.


Power 3-Bio-bomb- Steadily shoots slow moving projectiles into the air that fall towards the ground exploding. Initial blast deals heavy damage to those caught within the radius leaves a toxic cloud for 10 seconds. Bio-bombs are passively shot every 5 seconds. *

  • Only occurs during phase 2 and 3

Power 4- Replicate-shoots a spore into the ground making a genetic copy of itself, only has a Tentacle whip and incapable of using powers.  Only have half health and no shields. Only two copies will ever be present during a fight.

Phase 1-

Tenno functions in a similar manner as the stalker, mainly shooting its primary weapon and occasionally using charge. It also will use melee combat when close enough, melee attacks deal average damage, but fairly quick and over a wide radius. Phase one ends when the Tenno reaches 60% health.

Phase 2-

Tentacles sprout from Tenno’s back, and begins to use the ability –Bio-bomb- throughout the duration of the fight. Tenno now engages mostly towards melee combat as much as possible and abandons his primary weapon. On occasion it will use Miasma, and deal heavy damage within a specific radius the tentacles point inwards and glow a dark green as a casting sign (perhaps says something before casting?). This continues until 25% then phase 3 begins.

Phase 3-

Tenno continues to act as phase 2, except it begins to use a fourth ability, Replicate. It makes two copies of itself that function as melee enemies, but unable to use abilities. If they are killed, after 15 seconds Tenno will cast replicate again, there can be no more than two copies. The copies look like phase 1 of Tenno and have no tentacles sprouting from their backs.

The phase continues until Tenno is finally killed.


Let me know what you think, I’m not sure if something like this could be possible into lore (I’ll be honest, I know basics but not in-depth) But I think an idea of a boss that’s kind of on the tenno level would be a challenge and perhaps reap great rewards and I think it would be a thrill to fight.  Perhaps my ideas not the greatest but I really think an infested tenno would be pretty nifty to go up against even though we have the stalker, but I don’t really consider him as a boss, just a pain in the *** when he pops up out of nowhere and one shots you (fist shake). 


But, feedback, thoughts something anything, I'm sure theres many better ideas out there but it'd be a nice change in my opinion. 

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Well if you knew the lore, then you would know that the Warframes are based on the technocyte plague that also creates the infestation. Tenno are already infested, but they are strong enough, or genetically modified in some way, to be able to control it.


Also, all bosses are in the process of being revamped and made unique. Now isn't the time to suggest completely new ones.

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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