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Loki...a Sad Frame?


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1 - Decoy -  should be invulnerable and has only duration, multiply decoy use should be possible.


2 - Switch teleport - no idea for this... should "switch with decoy" capacity..


3 - Invisibility is fine.


4 - Radial disarm - more long range, no damage, and remove ancient healers/disrupters special abilities.

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Loki does not need direct damage. His skills just need a little bit more trickster.

Decoy should be invulnerable, but should only distract each individual enemy for a certain amount of time they spend attacking. (Aka, after 6 seconds they notice it's a hologram and stop attack it.)


Switch teleport should stun the target swapped, and apply a very short (2-4 seconds) "Chaos" like effect where he is targeted by other enemies as a enemy for a few seconds, to represent the confusion such a ability causes. Higher "class" enemies should probably shrug off the stun/taunt quicker.

Invisibility is fine.

Radial disarm just needs a longer range and that's about it. In both solo, and high level defenses it's a very valuable tool. Perhaps have it remove ancient healers/disrupters special abilities. (I didn't say toxic because I'm not sure that would make sense in my head, and because them already being easier to kill would probably trivialize the infested faction even more than they already are.)

I feel as a whole these would be far more effective. Decoy might even be a little op, as it would essentially function, with the right mods, as a 25 energy 9 second un-breakable stun, almost on par with bastille.


Perhaps even have a special interaction between switch teleport and decoy, where switch teleport makes decoy act like it's just been cast for the purpose of the taunt per individual enemy?


I just know some-ones going to say loki is useless in high level defense/tier 3 stuff. Go ahead and run Frost Vauban Nova/saryn and loki, and laugh as you stun lock, disable, and group up everything for the incoming nukes of doom.


This guy knows it, +1.

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