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Molecular Prime In Relation To Other Abilities


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There is no way to quantify your contribution to a team, except for the one mentioned above (percentage of enemies affected by your powers). And even then, you are no longer taking into account kills and assists using guns.

There are way too many skills that while not doing any damage are still very useful. How would you quantify Frost's contribution when he uses Snowglobe?? Technically, it didn't affect any enemies (unless they got inside the Snowglobe) and it didn't do any damage. But, would your team have gotten to wave 50 without it??

If it was on Infested Defense with me in my Vauban, yeah.. We could have gone to wave 50 easily even on Xini.

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Removing kills from the end game report wont solve everything. Nova players mostly (and Saryn and Rhino to a lesser extent) will continue to annoy the **** out of other players every now and then.


In one match I was Saryn. There was a Nova in team, a Frost and an Ash. The mission was Narcissus on Pluto. That Nova had some obsession with getting kills, so even if a cluster of mobs were almost about to die he had to M.Prime them to get the kills. Though he was careful not run into them and die, so I was fine with that (I hate Novas who make me go into enemies and revive them).


BUT, that Frost and Ash became SUPER annoyed, they wanted to get some kills too, and everytime they were about to kill something, Nova appeared out of nowhere and bam, kill steal. So at wave 10, Frost didnt put snow globe. He and Ash started shooting each other and completely ignored the mission. Me and Nova were barely able to survive. We killed enemies though, by shameless ult spam. Well... that Nova was spamming ult anyways, but that situation made me do it too (and I hate to do it). And yea, we chose the convulsion reward and mission was done. Was that fun for me ? Certainly No.

This is exactly what I am saying. It's not that kills are important to the game. Everyone gets their xp,resources, and mods regardless. It is just satisfying to grab some kills with a weapon or ability you have worked so hard and long to rank up and mod. And seeing a massive number like 250 in the end game report under kills is just nice. Thank you for posting this story.

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The person who triggers it isn't killing anything but that one enemy. 


But what about another frame using an ulti on a lot of primed enemies. That frame would have killed all those enmies, but instead they don't. There is a flash of white and it's done.


I misused the quote system. My bad. The first line is a quote. The second is me.

Edited by oremaster100
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In mobile defense and endless defense everyone benefits from people ult spamming. Faster kills mean more xp and loot. If efficiency bothers you so much, just play solo or in zones that aren't being farmed. Your perceived problem has a very simple solution.


If you actually read my posts above before jumping to give the cliche responses like "go play solo blah blah" then you will notice that I am NOT bothered by efficiency. I am actually FINE if nova does all the work, makes levelling my frames and weapons a breeze.


But there are players who WANT to shoot at things and not care about efficiency. Its you who have trouble understanding a simple fact that there are multiple kinds of players with different definitions of fun. Playing Solo wont give them the satisfaction if they just one shot a baddie with their new sniper rifle while his teammate was trying to kill that guy with his bad non-armor ignoring weapon for past century. But if that other player happens to be a Nova, it will be a different story altogether...

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If you actually read my posts above before jumping to give the cliche responses like "go play solo blah blah" then you will notice that I am NOT bothered by efficiency. I am actually FINE if nova does all the work, makes levelling my frames and weapons a breeze.


But there are players who WANT to shoot at things and not care about efficiency. Its you who have trouble understanding a simple fact that there are multiple kinds of players with different definitions of fun. Playing Solo wont give them the satisfaction if they just one shot a baddie with their new sniper rifle while his teammate was trying to kill that guy with his bad non-armor ignoring weapon for past century. But if that other player happens to be a Nova, it will be a different story altogether...





Why must you persist with this. 



But there are players who WANT to shoot at things and not care about efficiency. 


Yes there are. 



Playing Solo wont give them the satisfaction if they just one shot a baddie with their new sniper rifle while his teammate was trying to kill that guy with his bad non-armor ignoring weapon for past century.


No it won't. That seems a little bit of a mean spirited way to get a sense of acheivement - by one-upping your teammates, but you're right, no he won't get that sense of accomplishment.



But if that other player happens to be a Nova, it will be a different story altogether...



Stop tarring all Nova's with the same brush.




~ If the other player happens to be playing  Nova AND spamming MP. 


~ And if the first player dosn't have the brains to EXPLAIN that they don't get any fun if they can't feel like they're killing things and being more useful than other members of their team.


~ And if NEITHER of them communicate BEFORE or DURING the match - as decent players should.



THEN and ONLY then will this outcome occur. 

It's not because someone chose to play Nova, it's because two people haven't learnt the basics of being part of a team, communicating with others to see what their needs are, and worked to find a compromise.

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They're setting off the chain reaction.


When someone presses the detonator on a bomb we tend not to say "They didn't kill those people. The bomb killed those people." I don't think it's too unreasonable to make a similar claim here. 


Unless you're contesting that the person who triggers the MP shouldn't get the kills for some reason. In which case, I'd ask why. 


Even in your counter example, the person who triggers the bomb didn't necessarily build or place the bomb. The fact remains, without Nova, there is no reaction. Also, we do actually say people have been killed by explosives, firearms, cars etc. We just don't hold the devices responsible. Ex: John killed Bob. Bob was killed by a gunshot to the head. Both statements would be made.


A more appropriate analogy would be a mine. The guy who triggers the mine isn't responsible for getting himself and others wounded/killed. Whoever set the mine is. If the first guy didn't trigger it, someone else would have eventually. Without the mine layer, there is no effect.

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Why must you persist with this.


Cuz Nova players dont want the nerf AND dont want the high scaling/armor. Note, I am not pointing at you specifically. Most of them are playing Nova precisely because they can clear room in one button. It has larger range and damage compared to both Rhino's and Saryn's ult, though without armor ignore. Though they are not going to the level of waves where armor starts to matter.



Stop tarring all Nova's with the same brush.


~ If the other player happens to be playing  Nova AND spamming MP. 


~ And if the first player dosn't have the brains to EXPLAIN that they don't get any fun if they can't feel like they're killing things and being more useful than other members of their team.


~ And if NEITHER of them communicate BEFORE or DURING the match - as decent players should.



THEN and ONLY then will this outcome occur. 

It's not because someone chose to play Nova, it's because two people haven't learnt the basics of being part of a team, communicating with others to see what their needs are, and worked to find a compromise.


- I am not blaming Nova, I am blaming the ability to clear a very large radius, resulting in players getting annoyed/bored and then they do things like Vauban rushing to a different spawn point so he can actually "play" the game, and then some charger sneaks in and destroys pod. Sadly, in the current state only Nova has that ability, but I am afraid she is just starting a trend.


- There is logically/strategically nothing wrong with spamming your abilities if you are playing caster character. Technically, you are doing the right thing, you are killing all of them, killing them fast.


- So because of the above point, if the player actually says that in chat, he runs the risk of being laughed at/mocked or completely ignored. "I am kiling them fast so you can get xp/loot/reward.. u mad brah ?!"


- Decent players should communicate to overcome a difficulty presented by the game. INSTEAD in current situation, you are expecting them to communicate to actually INCREASE the difficulty of game, by one player telling another NOT to use abilities. Not happening in pug groups, atleast not often.


- In Pug groups, players dont play for others' needs, they play for their OWN needs. Before Nova, players without 1-shot-em-all were able to "play the game" in casual modes, now with Nova they sit on pod like a hen sits on her eggs. You find it fun to be in that role and still get xp, fine. Those who dont, NOTHING is fine.


You are defending Nova so hard, whereas I am more concerned with that trend. If some new warframe appears tomorrow or an old one buffed with similar ability, that will even compound the problem, because there will always be frames without 1-shot-em-all abilities and when they level/potato their shiny new weapon with a shiny multishot mod, they want to shoot something with that (read: play the game).

Edited by rksk16it
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Well I read all the comments regarding this issue and the truth that you can say that everyone is right because it is true to some degree how to see what happened what I came to propose and is somewhat related to all the announcement and that's it.


What's with people either defense, mobile defense and say that even writing them!! C'mon man you care to defend here def! And this go to open spaces and abuse of 4 for alll get exp? I say this because I found this both sarin Embar trinity excalibur nova etc.


PD: That opinais this matter referenced above I think very good about the last post

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- In Pug groups, players dont play for others' needs, they play for their OWN needs. Before Nova, players without 1-shot-em-all were able to "play the game" in casual modes, now with Nova they sit on pod like a hen sits on her eggs. You find it fun to be in that role and still get xp, fine. Those who dont, NOTHING is fine.


Pug behavior needs to change then. Simple as that.


rksk I get where you're coming from, I agree with much of what you say, but you're quick to point out that the problem is with DE's design of Nova's skills. 

I can agree that MP in particular could do with a few changes, to make it more team-orientated. But honestly, the way I see it. A lot of the issues with this trend you're seeing. Come down to people and their behavior. DE can change things on their end, but if people arn't going to take a few steps to ensure everyone's enjoyment, they may as well be spending more time on the wallpapers in the grineer bathrooms.




- I am not blaming Nova, I am blaming the ability to clear a very large radius, resulting in players getting annoyed/bored and then they do things like Vauban rushing to a different spawn point so he can actually "play" the game, and then some charger sneaks in and destroys pod.


*sigh*. If the Vauban is really that impatient that's their problem. I've been called a killstealer in pug's because I pick off targets with my Lanka long before they reach my team-mates. But that is the role of a sniper. And to a large degree I feel that priming targets in a large radius through walls and other objects is the role of Nova. Maybe it needs some tweaks to better reward the other players, but I don't feel its fair to blame Nova's abilities for being useful. That Vauban needs to get their head out of their &#! and come up with a creative way to use their tools to best help out in the situation too. And maybe accept that they're not always going to be the biggest contributor all the time.




- So because of the above point, if the player actually says that in chat, he runs the risk of being laughed at/mocked or completely ignored. "I am kiling them fast so you can get xp/loot/reward.. u mad brah ?!"



That player, is doing it wrong. 

He should say: "Hey guys. Mind if I use a ton of MP here? We seem to be getting overwhelmed." 

Of course he's going to get attacked if he gives the impression he's getting pleasure from denying them a sense of engagement with the defensive effort.

Again, decent player behavior. 



- Decent players should communicate to overcome a difficulty presented by the game. INSTEAD in current situation, you are expecting them to communicate to actually INCREASE the difficulty of game, by one player telling another NOT to use abilities. Not happening in pug groups, atleast not often.


No. I expect players in this - and any other - multiplayer game. To communicate in an effort to make the experience as enjoyable as possible for everyone in the party. I expect them to discuss strategies with their teammates to find what best suits the situation, and what everyone will enjoy. Does everyone do this? No. Should everyone do this? I can't say. All I know is that when I take the time to do so, the people I play with enjoy the match a lot more. 

No good communication doesn't tend to happen in pugs. Should it? Well it'd probably make it more likely that everyone would enjoy the session - you be the judge :I 




- In Pug groups, players dont play for others' needs, they play for their OWN needs. Before Nova, players without 1-shot-em-all were able to "play the game" in casual modes, now with Nova they sit on pod like a hen sits on her eggs. You find it fun to be in that role and still get xp, fine. Those who dont, NOTHING is fine.


Ok, seriously? F*** that.

I don't give a damn about people who are playing ALONGSIDE other people - and only caring about their own needs. That's outright egotistical. If you're in a shared session - you better damn well be thinking about others. If you don't, you are doing it wrong.



All Nova's done is made it easier for people to directly effect team-mates who go through a session with sole focus on their own enjoyment. 

You find it fun to be in that role and still get xp, fine. Those who dont, NOTHING is fine.

Those people? They can go find their own squad as far as I'm concerned.

If they're not going to make the effort to explain to me - that they'd have more fun if everyone got the chance to shoot stuff. Then they can't expect me to read their minds.



It's as simple as this: I play the game to enjoy it, and make it as much fun for the people I'm playing with. Whether a Nova or a Loki, I ask people how they would get the most fun out of a mission, and change my playstyle to fit. If you're not going to make the effort to do that. Why are you even interacting with people at all? 


I'm not attacking you or your views rksk, I'm just so flabbergasted that people don't understand basic human courtesy online. It's like they forget there's someone else on the other end of that connection. And that kind of ham-handed disregard for other people is disgusting to me. 




when they level/potato their shiny new weapon with a shiny multishot mod, they want to shoot something with that (read: play the game).


Then go shoot things with it. I get that feeling. When I kit out my Latron Prime, I want to kill things with it. If I don't get too, because my pug group is full of rushers or spammers, I go find another. Or usually, just play with friends. At a last resort, do solo runs. 


What I don't do is equip my new shiny weapon. Go into a new match with random people. Not say a word, and then dive into the infested hoard, expecting to kill everything in sight. Because that Saryn is probably going to beat me too it. When I feel a bit chaffed because I didn't get to shoot a moa before my team's frost hacked it to death with their Skana, I don't ragequit the game, come on the forums and explain why Skana's are so overpowered. That's the behaivour of a child. 


After the match I say to Fr0stydaSnowman. "Please, would you mind holding off on the sword-rushes? I'd like to use my Latron a bit.

He should reply: "Uh, I just wanna level this thing." or "Sure, I can hold back a bit."

If he instead says: "LoL stop whining" I leave and find someone more responsible to play with.

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I agree with that all. But basically all you say boils down to : "You found a bad group... leave".


Assuming my friends/clanmates are offline, which is often the case as most of my clanmates arent hardcore 24/7 gamers, I have to play in pug. And even if I set 400 ping limit, it often takes 2-5 minutes to find games...


So if I leave THAT often... I may not be able to play at all for the large chunk of my time :(


But its fine for me though, like I said, I am ok with current "Nova situation". But if a player gets annoyed with that AND have hard time finding pugs due to ping/location, then by your solution they will be having a real tough time finding an enjoyable game. Yes recruitment channel is there, but 90% of requests are like this : "LF Frost, Vauban or Nova... or GTFO".

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After reading through all these well thought out comments I would like to say that I in no way want Nova Nerfed. I would only like MP changed.Nova is a great asset to any team. I just don't enjoy seeing a massive horde of infested coming at me while i think "This is going to be fun. I get to try out my new modded gun i just got" and then seeing MP activated. I know after all those enemies are primed all I get to do is kill a single enemy and then watch a flash of bright light. Then it's over. I also feel that it is a waste of my energy when I am in the middle of using my ulti and a Nova runs up, primes the enemies and then runs off. If you see me using crush/miasma/any other ulti, don't use MP. It's a waste of my energy then. I am now using 100 energy to do the job of a few bullets.

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After reading through all these well thought out comments I would like to say that I in no way want Nova Nerfed. I would only like MP changed.Nova is a great asset to any team. I just don't enjoy seeing a massive horde of infested coming at me while i think "This is going to be fun. I get to try out my new modded gun i just got" and then seeing MP activated. I know after all those enemies are primed all I get to do is kill a single enemy and then watch a flash of bright light. Then it's over. I also feel that it is a waste of my energy when I am in the middle of using my ulti and a Nova runs up, primes the enemies and then runs off. If you see me using crush/miasma/any other ulti, don't use MP. It's a waste of my energy then. I am now using 100 energy to do the job of a few bullets.

if and not really be aware that this happens in low lvl defense as a group is "decent" and pass the round 20 Xini see that not only are a few attacks if not already the ancients really need level 70 + damage at this point only helps clean nova "garbage" and leave the rest with 50% RECEIVED debuff which greatly helps to get them down.

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The thing is that, in this game, trying to quantify or measure your usefulness and contribution to your team is completely impossible with the range of powers in this game. Is it about the most kills? I dare you to go anywhere in a void defense mission without a Frost, will he get the most kills? Unlikely, will he be the most important person on your team? Probably so. Same with Nyx, Chaos doesn't count her kills, but she still completely neuters entire mobs with a single cast. How about Vauban's Bastille? Loki's Radial Disarm? Banshee's Sonar? All of these are support abilities that never do direct damage, but are IMMENSELY useful. The thing that many people seem to refuse to understand is that, % of damage dealt? Number of enemies killed? All of these numbers are meaningless, only you, and the team you were with know exactly how useful, and helpful each other team member was, and it doesn't matter what the numbers at the end are, because removing one person from the team could very well have made the mission far more difficult, or maybe far easier(If a player is being a troll). But the game cannot quantify that, only you can.


signed TL;DR: Ignore numbers, you know who did what.

Zylo the Wolfbane

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The thing is that, in this game, trying to quantify or measure your usefulness and contribution to your team is completely impossible with the range of powers in this game. Is it about the most kills? I dare you to go anywhere in a void defense mission without a Frost, will he get the most kills? Unlikely, will he be the most important person on your team? Probably so. Same with Nyx, Chaos doesn't count her kills, but she still completely neuters entire mobs with a single cast. How about Vauban's Bastille? Loki's Radial Disarm? Banshee's Sonar? All of these are support abilities that never do direct damage, but are IMMENSELY useful. The thing that many people seem to refuse to understand is that, % of damage dealt? Number of enemies killed? All of these numbers are meaningless, only you, and the team you were with know exactly how useful, and helpful each other team member was, and it doesn't matter what the numbers at the end are, because removing one person from the team could very well have made the mission far more difficult, or maybe far easier(If a player is being a troll). But the game cannot quantify that, only you can.


signed TL;DR: Ignore numbers, you know who did what.

Zylo the Wolfbane

+1 totally agree

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The thing is that, in this game, trying to quantify or measure your usefulness and contribution to your team is completely impossible with the range of powers in this game. Is it about the most kills? I dare you to go anywhere in a void defense mission without a Frost, will he get the most kills? Unlikely, will he be the most important person on your team? Probably so. Same with Nyx, Chaos doesn't count her kills, but she still completely neuters entire mobs with a single cast. How about Vauban's Bastille? Loki's Radial Disarm? Banshee's Sonar? All of these are support abilities that never do direct damage, but are IMMENSELY useful. The thing that many people seem to refuse to understand is that, % of damage dealt? Number of enemies killed? All of these numbers are meaningless, only you, and the team you were with know exactly how useful, and helpful each other team member was, and it doesn't matter what the numbers at the end are, because removing one person from the team could very well have made the mission far more difficult, or maybe far easier(If a player is being a troll). But the game cannot quantify that, only you can.


signed TL;DR: Ignore numbers, you know who did what.

Zylo the Wolfbane

I now completely agree with this. I am however going to go back to what this post has become about, how can I feel satisfied that I was helpful if all i get to do is kill an enemy and watch a flash of light? Was I incredibly helpful because I set off the explosion and made the mobs die? or was Nova the only useful one because she primed the enemies? Also, how can I feel like i contributed a lot if i don't see my bullets hit the enemy and watch those massive numbers pop out of them? I agree that I should know how useful I was to my team. But it becomes a bit confusing with MP mixed in.

I also would like to say that I have nothing against Nova. I have a problem with how MP works in it's current state. I don't want Nova nerfed, i want MP to be modified.

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To have mobs NOT to die from some ability, you can only do two things :-

1. Decrease offense (aka nerf ability)

2. Increase defense (increase target armor/health)


So basically.. you dont want to nerf Nova's dmg, and dont want extra armor/health on mobs... well then I dont know how to prevent enemies from dying instantly to Nova (or for that matter any frame with 1 hit room clear ability like Saryn and Rhino).


If I may give my opinion on this matter (preferably without getting chewed out by anyone):


Perhaps a mechanic could be included in enemies that prevents any single source of damage, from an ability, from removing more than X% of an enemy's current health, but not prevent killing (i.e. If enemy has greater than 25% max hp, the ability cannot deal more than 90% of their current health, but full damage is dealt if health is 25% or less; this would not affect Saryn's poison ticks, as each tick is a separate source of damage)? This would prevent one-shot kills altogether, without heavily burdening players with extra work, they just have to use a little bit more effort (or button presses) to finish the enemies off. This wouldn't necessarily make enemies tougher, however, though the survivors could certainly get a bit of revenge on the Tenno who used the power.


Would this be an acceptable way to blunt the issue of insta-killed mobs, or would this cause more problems?

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If I may give my opinion on this matter (preferably without getting chewed out by anyone):


Perhaps a mechanic could be included in enemies that prevents any single source of damage, from an ability, from removing more than X% of an enemy's current health, but not prevent killing (i.e. If enemy has greater than 25% max hp, the ability cannot deal more than 90% of their current health, but full damage is dealt if health is 25% or less; this would not affect Saryn's poison ticks, as each tick is a separate source of damage)? This would prevent one-shot kills altogether, without heavily burdening players with extra work, they just have to use a little bit more effort (or button presses) to finish the enemies off. This wouldn't necessarily make enemies tougher, however, though the survivors could certainly get a bit of revenge on the Tenno who used the power.


Would this be an acceptable way to blunt the issue of insta-killed mobs, or would this cause more problems?


This is an awesome suggestion.


A slightly modified but simpler version can be that you cannot damage an enemy in one hit for more than X% of their MAX hp (regardless of their current health, X = 80 or 90 or whatever).


The only problem with this is it tends to annoy the **** out of sniper rifle users...

Edited by rksk16it
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The only problem with this is it tends to annoy the **** out of sniper rifle users...


Not entirely sure why it would (being a sniper myself) - drunido's suggestion was for ability damage only.



Perhaps a mechanic could be included in enemies that prevents any single source of damage, from an ability, from removing more than X% of an enemy's current health, 



Although I would have to raise the query as to how it would function with Saryn's Venom. It would kinda loose it's potency and team-cooperative nature, if the spores could only contribute a max of 80% of the targets health. Although you mentioned that each spore is a separate source of damage, wouldn't that simply cause an endless exponential drain of health? 80% of full 80% of 80% of 80% it would just give endlessly diminishing returns. 

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Not entirely sure why it would (being a sniper myself) - drunido's suggestion was for ability damage only.


Ah I missed the ability part, I thought "from all sources".. my bad.


Although I would have to raise the query as to how it would function with Saryn's Venom. It would kinda loose it's potency and team-cooperative nature, if the spores could only contribute a max of 80% of the targets health. Although you mentioned that each spore is a separate source of damage, wouldn't that simply cause an endless exponential drain of health? 80% of full 80% of 80% of 80% it would just give endlessly diminishing returns.


Saryn's Venom wont be affected by that suggestion, as he said that enemies take full dmg when they are below 25% hp.


Also, the suggestion I stated, a simpler version, not more than X% of MAX hp in 1 go, so a Nova's Antimatter Bomb of 200k dmg wont kill a 10000 hp target, but 1000 venom spores sticking on it each doing 15 dmg will still kill it.

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Also, the suggestion I stated, a simpler version, not more than X% of MAX hp in 1 go, so a Nova's Antimatter Bomb of 200k dmg wont kill a 10000 hp target, but 1000 venom spores sticking on it each doing 15 dmg will still kill it.


Yeah might need some reworking there..


I still get the feeling that a similar effect could be achieved - either as an interim, or a final solution - by simply keeping the powers effects as they are currently - cutting back on the ludicrous enemy armor / hp / shields scaling, and increasing the scarcity of energy. Make it so you're lucky to get off 3 ult's a match if that even. Would also help stress the utility of first or second slot powers - a lot of which get overlooked because no: 4 can kill everything so much more quickly for an energy cost that can quickly be regained. 

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Yeah might need some reworking there..


I still get the feeling that a similar effect could be achieved - either as an interim, or a final solution - by simply keeping the powers effects as they are currently - cutting back on the ludicrous enemy armor / hp / shields scaling, and increasing the scarcity of energy. Make it so you're lucky to get off 3 ult's a match if that even. Would also help stress the utility of first or second slot powers - a lot of which get overlooked because no: 4 can kill everything so much more quickly for an energy cost that can quickly be regained. 


Cooldowns are the most effective way to implement that in terms of simplicity of implementation. Energy is not only needed for #4 but also for #1, #2 and #3. If you make it too scarce, then the game will devolve into a simple third person shooter.

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Cooldowns are the most effective way to implement that in terms of simplicity of implementation. Energy is not only needed for #4 but also for #1, #2 and #3. If you make it too scarce, then the game will devolve into a simple third person shooter.


Eh. Cooldowns are a alright I guess. Though I'd prefer more energy effecient 1st and 2nd powers - and less power overall - than just an arbitrary cooldown period. 

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Cooldowns are the most effective way to implement that in terms of simplicity of implementation. Energy is not only needed for #4 but also for #1, #2 and #3. If you make it too scarce, then the game will devolve into a simple third person shooter.


Wouldn't this stop teams from reaching high defense waves?? If you want to go beyond wave 20 a Frost(Corpus/Grineer) or a Vauban(infested) is a must. If you add even a couple of seconds of cooldown to Snowglobe or Bastille high level mobs will destroy the pod

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Wouldn't this stop teams from reaching high defense waves?? If you want to go beyond wave 20 a Frost(Corpus/Grineer) or a Vauban(infested) is a must. If you add even a couple of seconds of cooldown to Snowglobe or Bastille high level mobs will destroy the pod


The cooldown can be low or non-existent for non-ult abilities like globe or bastille. I was mainly talking about some cooldown on "kill-dem-all-ryt-nao" abilities.

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