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Massive Cooperative Missions


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Another one of my ideas that's been through the internal wringer for months. Let's see if I can propose this correctly :P


Disclaimer: This is not for solo players, new players or pubs. This is for organized teams, ideally with some method of voice communication.


Massive Cooperative Missions - Dafuq?

Traditional MMORPGs have multiple play experiences; Solo, Dungeoneering and Raiding, where Dungeoneering is a group of single players and Raiding is (effectively) a group of Dungeoneering groups. Warframe already has Solo and Dungeoneering, so MCMs would be the Warframe equivalent of Raids.


Multiple parties would need to cooperate across a series of missions in order to get to the major prize. 


But How Would It Work?

I'll use a simple example here; Three parties (A, B and C) start an MCM. All three parties start their individual missions at the same time. Party A is assigned with a Deception-type mission, Parties B and C are both assigned Sabotage-type missions.


Part-way through their respective missions, Parties B and C find a special locked door. Their objective is now defending their respective doors until Party A has brought their datamass to a Master Security Terminal and unlocked them. Parties B and C resume their Sabotage missions, Party A must now defend the Master Security Terminal while parties B and C complete their missions.


Once Parties B and C have completed their objectives, all parties head to extraction. If B or C complete their mission before the other party, a 60 second countdown will begin. When the countdown reaches zero, all reactor and Master Security Terminal rooms are depressurized until the final party completes their mission.


If any one party wipes, all three will wipe. However...


What's The Reward?

Showing such coordination will greatly please The Lotus. You will be rewarded handsomely - but with resources, not credits. Anything from Forma to Void parts obtained by recon units.


You've Described One Mission Structure, Could There Be More?

Absolutely, though the mission structures that would work may be limited.

Edited by Hipolipolopigus
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Now I'm really getting my brainstorming on.


Ship Takedown:

Team A completes a mobile defense mission to open doors, while Team B makes their way to the ship's reactor to destroy it, with a Team C relieving the place of valuable artifacts and personnel.


Collaborative Boss Battle (Falcon):

Team B enters experimental Corpus APC to deal damage from the inside while disabling systems, with Team A on the outside taking it on directly. Team A then hacks into it's systems to help Team B escape from the eventual crashing-and-burning.


The possibilities are pretty endless, it's just a matter of logically interweaving various mission types.

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Now I'm really getting my brainstorming on.


Ship Takedown:

Team A completes a mobile defense mission to open doors, while Team B makes their way to the ship's reactor to destroy it, with a Team C relieving the place of valuable artifacts and personnel.


Collaborative Boss Battle (Falcon):

Team B enters experimental Corpus APC to deal damage from the inside while disabling systems, with Team A on the outside taking it on directly. Team A then hacks into it's systems to help Team B escape from the eventual crashing-and-burning.

Awesome! ^-^ Stuff like that would do amazing things for the content of Warframe!


The possibilities are pretty endless, it's just a matter of logically interweaving various mission types.

Exactly :P 

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