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Tried 3 times:

serration+hornet strike+2xpressure point = radial blind

4xthief's wit = Trinity's link

4xno return = shuriken


To hell with it. Won't go there unless DE removes abilities from the pool. If they're hard to understand - NO ONE NEEDS SKIILS MODULES in the drop. Every single skill you've ever needed, you'll obtain with the warframe craft ending.

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Magic ^^,loki's teleport+enemy radar ( mod,not aura) I cant remember,what was 3rd rare and 1 uncommon.Preety wierd combination

Lol I got a Melee channel from 2 Sound quakes, 1 continuity and a fury :)

Also got Mind control from 2 streamlines + 2 focuses :'c

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so far i got a  few rare mods that are S#&$ like skills or puncture , a few good ones i already had , like barrel diffusion

but also , sanctuary , which i always wanted

instead of rushing in rooms i suggest you look for those obstacle courses in the void that requires actual rushing. i found my sanctuary there

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