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[PC][NA/AUS/EU] Voice Of The Orokin -- Storm Clan | Discord Adult Only Gaming Community | Mic Required | English. AUS & EU time zone recruiters needed to continue expansion. Come add your voice to the chorus!


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The Voice of the Orokin

Who We Are

Recognizing a lack of actual voice activity among clan members in Discord the PurplePoloPlayer decided to take a gamble and begin a new clan. There had to be fellow Warframe fans that wanted the camaraderie and coordination that only voice chat can offer. And there were. So far we have grown to a Storm clan of tight-knit Warframe enthusiasts. We range in age from 21 to 45 and we're having a blast. Although we play at a high level, we have a casual, relaxed attitude. You won't find any elitists or temper-prone jerks here - they get banned instantly. We're an adult only community that likes to banter and have a good time.

Who We're Looking For

People that fit in well here are Warframe enthusiasts that want to also be a part of an English speaking, Discord Voice community. There's plenty of other clans that have a mic optional rule. Here, it's required. We feel that it's the only way to truly form a group of tight-knit friends that can coordinate efficiently and exchange information. If you have a casual, cool attitude and a love of all things Warframe, this is your home. Easily offended people won't fit in - fair warning! We don't have specific Master Rank requirements. Just be committed to Warframe. We've had a number of players that played the game and left only to come back some time later. They've all noticed that the major thing missing for them, was being part off a genuine, fun community. 

We Want Recruiters for AUS and EU Time Zones

We have normal NA prime time zones covered with plenty of officers and recruiters. We've picked up a number of Australian and European time zone players, but it's difficult to make those time slots grow when we don't have a constant, regular presence in Discord. If you have an Aussie or European clan or group of friends, or you want to recruit during these hours, please contact me or one of my officers. (PurplePoloPlayer | PaleDream | bucblizzard) We want this Discord to be filled twenty four hours a day.

How to Join

We monitor our Discord for new recruits. Simply head to https://discord.gg/szbsBnP and say hello in our 'Need Permissions' channel or jump in to any channel with people and let them know you're new. We try to keep an eye on this thread and our Reddit post, but the best thing to do is join our Discord. We have few rules, but the ones we have are important, so be sure to read them in Discord. The next chapter in your story begins here.


(Art Credit - Rebecca Roske)

Your Epilogue

Exhausted. Spent. Staring at the image in the bulkhead I could hardly recognize the child that glared back. The days have passed with hypnotic repetition. Countless enemies I’ve slain, greedy Corpus, abominable Grineer, repulsive Infested. Justified slayings of evil but these, these creatures were different. What have you held back from me this time Lotus? What corruption could cause such focused, coordinated violence? Until then I thought The Void was the missing piece of my soul. My yearning for the mere touch of another human’s skin. How can a place filled with such evil and calamity be so poorly named?

Longingly I stared at my reflection as if waiting for the answers to questions that I can’t begin to construct. It was then that the image smiled back. A warmth bathed over me, soothing. ‘Ordis check the enviro…’. The image expanded and revealed tens, then hundreds of other children. All staring back at me. All speaking? No. That’s singing. Damm it. Focus! That song, I know that song. The warmth of the siren’s song wrapped around me and I realized they were singing, singing to me. So beautiful, haunting. Flashbacks of playing in the sun, laughter, and love.

A loud clang rang out and I lost my balance. The scene of serenity was gone instantly. ‘Operator are you okay? You were in a trance! I thought I was going to lose you!’ Never before had Ordis sounded so dammed annoying. ‘I’m fine Ordis’, I lied. Kneeling before the Navigation Screen I knew what I had to do. Without thinking I entered in coordinates to an uncharted sector. Just south of The Void in empty space. Empty indeed. Hardly. It was place I’d never been to before, but I knew exactly where to go.  


Edited by PurplePoloPlayer
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We just picked up a couple more EU timezone players. Chatters from around the world are encouraged to join! Let's fill up this Discord 24/7

Come on in folks, the water is fine.

Still looking for even more great people! Plenty of action in Discord right now so come on in!

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Hi! We would like to invite your clan to join our alliance, the Gatekeepers of the Void. We are a very new community and would like active members. We could help with recruiting and such. Hope to see you in-game!

Edited by EchoHS
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