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Thorn based warframe


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i am at work,still 2 hours to go,nothing to do,all colleagues gone,why not fool around with a warframe idea


my idea is a thorn / roots based frame (this has absolutely nothing to do with the marvel character) 


Enemies killed with any of his skills give him additional armor while standing next to the corpses, you should see small growing thorned roots on the frame, this armor lasts until its consumed by incoming damage



You launch a very fast spore projectile onto an enemy,this will give him XYZ type damage,after a second it grows inside him and shots thorns/branches to enemies around the affected one, they will receive damage based on the general health of the first hit enemy

(it will also spread poison damage,but maybe thats op)


You mark an area which will grow roots, if an enemy enters this area he will get stuck and be immobilized but still be able to attack but with reduced damaged

-Immobilized enemies will receive massive XX% damage if hit with Skill 1


You create a field of living roots around you,enemies entering this field will get interrupted during their action and will receive xx type damage if they stay in the field

You can move around and run with the field activated,but it will vanish if you jump

-(you get XX% more speed, but maybe thats op)


You root yourself into the ground, for xxx seconds you are invicible and enemys attacking you get their damage thrown back + xx% damage + a knockback

-enemies are also attracted to you while you stay rooted

-you cannot move,shoot or use other skills during that time



What do you think of a frame like that? Critic is very welcome


(sorry for my english,its not my main language)

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