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Is Warframe "too" awesome?


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This year, I have joined high school. Oh marvelous it is when in high-school your parents will finally let you do those "things" that were "Rated Mature," this includes the bed-dance my bros', or they just don't care at all and let you do whatever you want, no biggy. *Snorts crack* Oh man this is da-sht!


-Long before I ever even thought about playing Warframe, I watched my Australian Step-brother play it, and man it was love at first site. The graphics, the hardcore violence, the amount of "physics" and reality, getting to pick sides, and don't forget that slap-ass spectacular rag-doll effect. I thought to myself; "Mind = Blown."

-Turning to the point when I was smart enough, and of course, old enough to secretly manipulate my computers "recent data" especially in your browser am I right? Eh? I then searched-up "Badass-graphics space ninjas," and what do u know? Warframe appeared. *PRESS START*\

-Becoming hooked on how amazing this game was, i started running around school like i had a firecracker shoved up my ass with a powerfist, telling people about the game. Hell, I even got some of my teachers hooked on it, "Why thank you PS4!" It's ok Xbox, you'll always be our backup :D Even a few of my friends.

-I was ground-shaken by how powerful this game was, and how much it spoiled its players.



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