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End Game As A F2P Player?



Hello guys,


I'm fairly new to the game (45 hours played). I haven't spent a single euro on the game (yet).

I currently have a lv 30 Excalibur, lv 30 Boltor, lv 30 Lex and lv 30 Orthos. However after hitting Uranus, and Neptune I have noticed that my damage, and efficiency of weapons I'm using in general is diminishing rather fast. Now I do not have access to clan research weapons and since I'm new and have no friends yet I can't access T3 Void missions really.


My question is this: Is it required to have lv 60 frame / weapons in order to do higher level missions (pluto, neptune, ceres etc)? If lv 30 is enough, would you please give me an advice on which weapons perform the best at lv 30? If the weapons I'm currently using are "good", do I have to deal with the fact that I'm pretty much @#&$-blocked from high level content?



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9 answers to this question

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Well, to begin with, you can get your Orokin potatoes (the Reactor and the Catalyst) without spending money anyway -not to mention you already get 2 for free with your 50 starter platinum-.
That said, It would be really hard to get by the highest level missions with a setup that has not a single potato. Your choice of weapons is "good", but please notice getting your set up to level 30 is not even close to even "mid-game" (speaking in those terms).
You would spend most of your time farming and leveling mods, those are the actual deal in the game. Add me if you want to join a clan or need some help in voids, I'm not a big ranker myself, but I'm pretty used to the game :)

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Try to team with someone, try to join some clan with researches completed. Void keys are often shared in Common and Recruiting channel, but don't even try t3 unless you've potatoed (put an Orokin Catalyst/Reactor in item) all of your gear and maxed your mods. Void tier 2 is okay though.

It's completely unnecessary to spend money on this game, but if you do, you'll get a huge advantage.

Edited by Crond
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There are a ton of clans that will recruit you if you post in their recrutiment threads. That way, you get all the privilages of being in a clan: research weapons, people to play with and do void. As for your weapons, they are okay. Kunai is good endgame and you can fit many mods in there without potato.

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Well, to begin with, you can get your Orokin potatoes (the Reactor and the Catalyst) without spending money anyway -not to mention you already get 2 for free with your 50 starter platinum-.

That said, It would be really hard to get by the highest level missions with a setup that has not a single potato. Your choice of weapons is "good", but please notice getting your set up to level 30 is not even close to even "mid-game" (speaking in those terms).

You would spend most of your time farming and leveling mods, those are the actual deal in the game. Add me if you want to join a clan or need some help in voids, I'm not a big ranker myself, but I'm pretty used to the game :)

You should never encourage anyone to waste their starting plat on potatoes, those are for weapon and frame slots.

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You do not need to purchase platinum to be end game. Having platinum will speed the process up but you can quite easily become end game with enough time and effort. Doing some defense runs on Xini with a Vauban and Nova can easily get you plenty of mods, exp and more importantly void keys. You don't need to get potatoes straight away as some weapons like the Kunai and Paris still do great as long as there good mods. You will eventually be able to get some potatoes from the daily reward or an alert mission so in the long run it shouldn't be a problem. Your main problem however would be running out of space for new weapons and frames so you might want to pick a good frame and focus on leveling and polarising it. To round it up:
1. Get good mods and level them up
2. Pick a base warframe and set of weapons
3. Shoot high, if you want a new weapon go for a Prime or Research weapon
4. Slowly add potatoes and polarise your gear
5. Reach end game
Ultimately it is your choice on how you want to play the game but this is what worked for me until I bought platinum.

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Indeed. If you go to the market and pick up blueprints for Kunai and perhaps Boltor. They are good weapons which will allow you to take on content until you get reactors and catalysts from alerts and login rewards. I managed to get geared for full end game content without spending any money whatsoever. Even when I was lucky enough to get catalysts and reactors I made a point of saving them till I knew I liked a frame or weapon enough to use them.

I've only bought platinum for weapon/frame slots to treat myself (and so I could get color pack bundle)

I still will not use the platinum I've bought for anything other than slots and perhaps cosmetic bits.

When you first start the game really makes it look like you need to spend money, but you don't need to and you'll be fine.

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In the literal sense there is no end game. We are using the term in a relative sense to describe the most difficult content currently available. I like to split hairs too, but I think everyone knows what we are talking about without the need for such an overt explanation.

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