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What have i missed?



Hello fellow Tenno,

I have been away from Warframe for nearly a whole year.  I logged back on a week ago and feel completely lost!

Im mastery rank 8 so there was a point when i knew what i was doing, what i needed and what i had to do.  Had a bunch of like minded Warframe friends and generally was really liking this game.

Then my PS4 died.  Ive only just gotten another and decided to jump back in but i cant get my head around what new additions there are.

Set mods, arcanes, Cestus, bounty missions.  I cant even remember what i was saving for a year ago lol

Can anyone give me a run down of any major changes in the past year?

Thank you!

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Edit: I included a link to the "what did I miss" forum included in the prior post. Removed to save space.


Short answer would be:

Plains of Eidolon is a huge open-world area accessed through the city of Cetus, which has its own independent syndicate, the "Ostrons." By working with them, you can learn to fish and mine to get resources needed to create "Zaws," or custom-made modular melee weapons. I won't get into amps and arcanes, as I don't know if you've finished "The War Within" quest, as it gets spoiler-y.

In Cetus, you can accept "Bounty" missions, which are multi-stage missions out in the plains. Each stage has the flavor of a typical mission: Rescue, defense, etc. With a few extras thrown in, like escort and searching wide areas. Each stage rewards you individually and randomly off a list given when you accept the bounty, and these lists change each in-game day (3 hours or so?). Each completed stage raises the enemy level, as well, up to a limit based on the difficulty of the bounty. Higher-level bounties give better rewards and more standing with the Ostrons.

Just recently there was a pass-through where they buffed a bunch of older weapons, making them viable again (and in some cases, creating BEASTS).


I haven't been around the full year of your absence, but hopefully this is a good start. Good luck, and welcome back!

Edited by DustyScrolls
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Thank you for your answers!

I have briefly touched on Cestus and the bounties.  I think i have my head around those.

I finished The War Within quest before i stopped playing early last year.  Looks top be a lot of new weapons out.

Im going to go check the link EvilKam left for me and see if that fills me in.

My main weapons are still Soma P and Nikana P

Still trying to save up for Baro visits and Flawless standing in New Loka so i can get Valks Eternal War mod.

So much to do!!

I need to find someone near my level and ability that wants to co-op so i can start making progress again.  ATM i am just helping low levels players until i get used to everything.

As for warframes, Is Trin still sort after in squads?  I heard she is not as popular as she once was.

Ivara still has it by the feels of things... (love this frame for solo)

Valks Hysteria was nerfed while i was still playing.  If used as an emergency button to back up Warcry she is still very powerful.  Any other changes to her?

I got Frost on the Twitch giveaway and still only have him at level 11, find his playstyle a little different, most people say he is a top 5 frame though so ill stick with him for a while.

Thanks for the help Tenno...


Edit:  Oh wow, 2 posts above mine is a What have i missed sticky...... Im sorry guys.....

Edited by (PS4)brettles1983
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