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Easier Arsenal Ui Discussion


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I find it painful to have to swap out every mod when i want to change a warframe, gun, and or melee weapon and search though the 100+ mods i already have. My suggestion would be to have a custom loadout system in which we could

pick the warframe, guns and mods we want to use and then save the loadout for later use that way rather then spending 2-5min switching things out and searching for mods it could be done at the click of your mouse. Other suggestion maybe having a favorite system where you can mark your favorite mods so you can just pull them from your *Favorites*.

Also being able to buy more than one gear at a time would be nice.


All new ideas and comments regarding the Arsenal UI are welcome : )

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Both of these ideas have been suggested before, the devs have even put in a little "preview" of a loadout system a while back. But one thing I haven't heard before is the ability to drag mods into blank space or some dedicated space to remove them and put them at the front of the mod list. Also the ability to go to the mod page and upgrade mods that I just put on my gun without having to go in and out of my weapon mod page. And finally, some method of sorting mods while your in the Weapon/warframes mod page.

If DE decided to do something like this it would make my day.

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I originally posted this in weapon suggestions - but this seems a better place.


'Morning folks,


I'm looking at my Arsenal Screen, and seeing that each of my three equipped weapons has the base stats listed.




Clip size


What I don't see are the stats for range, crit %, reload speed, or maximum ammo carried.  Nor do I understand why melee weapons have a clip size stat at all instead of range (or 'cleave radius').


I also don't see stats for my frame & sentinel information: shields, armor, health, & energy capacity.



My suggestion / request, is that a secondary line be added to show all of the above information with the installed modifications numbers.  Especially in the configuration screen for each weapon / frame / sentinel - so that we can make better informed choices about which mods we're adding instead of wondering what the outcome will be on a trial basis between mission runs.  For instance, I've currently got Despair equipped, and I had to get into a mission to find out that my new clip size is 16 instead of 10 - but the only place I can see that is when I'm actually in a mission.  I have no idea what my new fire rate is, but I'm curious.

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