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Should I Buy Catalyst/reactor? Plus Some Minor Questions



Hi guys, I have a maxed Excalibur and Barton and both aren't supercharged. I feel that even though it's maxed, my damage output shys in comparison to every other Teeno I meet. I'm guessing it's due to my uncharged weapons. However, I also noticed that I cannot take many hits before I go down, particularly on bosses. I have 38 plat left and I cannot buy any for quite some time. I was wondering if I should just spend it on either a Catalyst or Reactor instead of saving up since my luck is horrible and I'm getting no chance with the alert missions/login rewards.

Also, I noticed on my mods, there are some mods called 'armour' I was wondering what it was for my warframe. I don't see it in the UI so I'm kinda confused. Would appreaciate info.

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6 answers to this question

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Agreed with Crossflip - the general consensus is that inventory & warframe slots are a better long-term investment if you don't want to have to sell your current weapons/frames to get new ones. If you don't mind trading them out, then buying reactors might be a better buy.

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Armour decreases the damage that you take after your shields are down. Also, if you're in it for the long term, slots are a bteer option than supercharges.

Would you say it's more important than shields/health? I'm looking at shields stats and see they don't have % anymore. Do they still stack % by multiplications?

Wait for alerts and keep looking for orokin cata or reactor bps ;) i didnt spent any platinum and i got reactor and catalsts ;) and dont supercharge your barton it is not worth to do that :) Build HEK or another powerful weapon

Still level 2 and it's rather difficult to find the alerts. Don't suppose you know which one it is?

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