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{Recruitments Open For New Members And Alliance Clans}No Entry Fee Like Other Big Clans Darkframe, The Clan With Something For Everyone


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I'd like to join.

IGN: Ole_Buddy



please add me to the clan.




Would like to join





Looks and sounds like a fine Clan...Invite please!

IGN: Gizmo42


Luck in Battle!



Can i join? IGN : luciscael



I'll join, I need a clan :P

IGN: Gredd18



I want to join. Invite me plz1

IGN : GoblinGrenade0



sounds promising , please kindly add me , IGN : hendyz99


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hope to see ya in-game



In-game name - Espheni


This sounds like a fun clan, I would love to be apart of it. :)



sorry about that i didnt know i had a clan invatation plz reinvite me.

IGN; Hcbvda



Would love to join a clan (:

Invite please IGN: LickyNano



I would like to join:




Hey if you're still looking for people, I'd love an invite. My current clan died on me, so I've been looking for a new one.

IGN: TenuredMoon



Would love to join this clan.


IGN: roderickho45



Hey, Mastery 5 with maxed nyx and rhino and currently working on a nova and a vauban, would like an invite!


IGN: Narxifar


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