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Clan UI is still lacking.


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since the beginning of Warframes clansystem, the UI is still not optimal and even lacks basic features.

I will now list the points i think should be in the game, right below i will go in detail but if you just want the TL:DR version go to the bottom.

1. The "Message of the Day" is still "invisible".
When you join a clan, there is a MotD which you can read if you are in the clan UI in the top right corner. Problem is that 95% of the players don´t look there. "But it´s in the clanchat when you start it" you say to me you eagle eyed tenno and yes... and no... you see, it pops up as a white text yes but once you are in a mission or you join the dojo, relay or any other instance after you log in, it dissapears and never comes back. Since it´s a white text people tend to ignore it easier because every other text start (by that i mean when a person starts to type and their name color) is colored and therefore more visible. When people type constantly, the text just scrolls by and nobody looks for it because why should i pay attention to that when i want to read the clan chat. Basicly in 95% of the time, you won´t even notice it.
Therefore i would be amazing if the text would be actually pinned at the top of the chat with a visible color like the redtext guy, the purple chat moderators etc. Maybe a bright (not neon, just bright) green since clanchat is allready green so making a whole bright green text better noticable. Or a good Orange. Atleast a color which is well noticable. Especially important is the pinning so that it´s visible at all times, no matter where you are. You are in a mission and you pop up your clanchat? Pinned on the top.
Why do i think it´s that important? Warframes clan system is by far not as fleshed out as in basic mmorpgs, i specificly emphasize system not Dojo, in that department, Warframe is miles infront of 99% of every game, but the UI, management is still problematic. Since people view Clans mostly as a gathering of a bunch of people and "hey i get free blueprints that i otherwise would not get and i have to do nothing for it", they don´t pay attention, this would firx it for now.

2. Why is the Ranksystem like that?
The Ranksystem is also basic, even slightly confusing. The game has 8 Ranks. For some reason, we can´t delete or add any. Why? i don´t know. You should be able to do that. Oh and by the way, why do people , when they join, get the second lowest rank, not the lowest one? Also a question which the researchers did not manage to answer so far. Tresurer: I would like everyone to be able to use the recources from the clan vault, or even contribute some into the vault willingly, still not possible, why? I don´t know. But i would also like to give that permission WITHOUT giving them the ability to edit taxes. I can´t. Tactician... well... i mean... it´s currently useless... for a couple years now acutally... yeah...

3. More information would be nice.
That is probably i personally want and most people probably don´t care. Information... I would love to see how many people my recruiters have recruited, how many of those people stayed, how many they kicked, how long members have been in this clan, how long the clan exists to the day, how much got contributed by whom (this includes rooms, decorations, research and even the vault if it would be possible to straight up donate resources and not only credits). Maybe a mini ingame clan forum where people could write questions when they are online but no one else is, once someone else comes online he sees a message then something new has been posted there and they check it out, comment on it or if they have the same issue, keep an eye on it. This would be better for the "player helps player and dosn´t need to use the wiki" situation (yes region chat is also a possibility but acutally, most people rather use the wiki. Maybe also a dump of information like average MR, average playtime, average hour playtime. Yes alot of that is allready in it but 95% of it is more like all personal stats combined. The sum is less important then averages or even graphs.

4. Interactivity between clanmember is as basic as it gets.
Like i wrote above, most people view clans more like "i get free stuff and people help me while i don´t need to do anything" rather then a collective team. DE has made warframe into a power fantasy game where you feel like an allmighty god amongs MAGGOTS and and screaming robo turkeys. It´s all fine and dany but it brings alot of problems with it. Alot of them i won´t covor since it has nothing to do with my overall topic. One of those problems is that 99% of the game is easy after you reach a certain goal. It might be a build, a warframe,  an MR where you get certain weapons. I´ve seen people soloing teralysts with MR 8. If you can do that, and solo sorties at that early stage (ok i guess you have to be a wiki dweller to get your stuff that fast), why would you want to rely on your teammates? Want to farm for specific fissure stuff? go with randoms or ask clanchat, recruiting chat for rad runs. That is one of the few things where playing with someone you can rely on is needed, even then, it´s mostly just that he/she has the right relic equiped, after that, easy game easy life.
What if i want to send a message to all members? I can´t. Yes MotD exists but look at "Point 1." to see the problem. Why not make it possible so that you can make a clanwide message where once someone logs in, they get a message in their inbox popping up with the Profile pic of the person who send it and then the message. This is a feature that should also be implemented for PMs a long time ago which is still not the case. Why? I don´t know...
Another idea would be making clan intern events. Like for example the ones DE does (farm this one game mode over and over and over and over and over and over and over) but more complicated, and put the Price into the Mission/s directly when they start, not after the event ended (so that the event hosts can´t scam people) which would mean that once the event ends, the winners would get the price immediately, therfore it would be easy logistics. Prices could be anything that is tradable ingame.
Stuff like those suggestions would make a Clan more interactable and engaging since currently 99% of the time it´s more about memes and running a couple missions with the clan just to not feel alone.

5. Missions set for Clan only?
Currently we can set for public, friends only, private, solo. Why not add Clan only or clan and friends only. That would make clans more social since they could just join in, see whats happening or help people if needed. What if someone sets it to clan only, one joins in randomly and since someone joined, you automaticly know it´s someone from the clan and people would be more happy, maybe more social and learn more from each other.

1. MotD should be pinned ontop of the clan chat with a bright visible color.
2. Rank System should be more customizable
3. More information regarding Members (e.g. length of membership)

4. Interactivity, reach towards members even when they are offline. (e.g. Kingpin, events for interactivity, Inbox / clanwide inbox messages)
5. Mission set on clan / Clan and Friends only.

Thank you for reading and giving this attention, please elaborate onthem or citisize if you think i am wrong and why i am wrong.
have a nice day everybody

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